Legion of Sjank w/ Nick Mullen, Mark Normand, and Mickey Gall (full video episode)

7  2017-02-16 by TheScarletR


GL, fam

Thank You For Your Service

What's with comedians' obsession with MMA fighters. It's like their trying to prove how tough they are because they watch MMA. I get that douchey tough guy vibe from Gomez the most.

its just Gomez being Gomez

Correct, fuck MMA guests.

If I want to listen to MMA romancing the cock talk I will listen to little yimmys pod, but I don't so I don't!

All fighters are boring and just don't mix well when it comes to this or any other show dealing with comedy. They're too alpha so they can't laugh at themselves and the show just becomes too kiss-assy and becomes an interview. And the bits annoy me too. You can only watch Luis roll around on the floor with people so many times

I think he's kind of funny. Plus he let Luis fight his sister.

Nope. You're wrong and I am right

Mickey fits in though. He's a fan of LOS and had a few good lines.

When are you going to kill yourself?

Geez, ok, I'll do it already.

Fits in the hole so Luis can milk him.

Did you watch or listen to the episode? Dude did just fine shutting up when not needed and made a few pretty solid jokes. Relax with the knee jerk reactions you fuckin nerd.


thanks for uploading - hope Gall will try to be funny instead of talking MMA and shitz

He was pretty good

Nah he was a good guest.

he was ok, but shawn (or shaun or whatever is his name) was the star of the night :)

Thank you.

This was a hilarious episode. The homeless guy was very funny. It's a good thing they stopped with the black people on each episode gimmick. It wasn't working. They just weren't fitting in that well with the flow of the show.

I didnt listen to the one with Yamaneika but Im certain that its awful.

Luis gay gomez, lol.

WTF happened to big jay?


Wish I could watch it on GaS but their media player is fuckin dog shit and the audio stops after 5 mins.

He was pretty good

I didnt listen to the one with Yamaneika but Im certain that its awful.