Since we're ALL IN with hip hop now, here's Troy Quan embarrassing himself 9 years ago.

8  2017-02-16 by aftershave


The other guy used to be in the bloodhound gang I think

I can't take it. Not only is it cringeworthy its also totally fucking shit.

Opie should pick it as a song to start his shitty afternoon show with

Just think, a few years after this video, he threw someone off a cliff

Is it too late for him to be aborted?

You sure this wasn't 19 years ago?

His girlfriend saw this video and then jumped off a cliff.

Troy pushed her and I won't tolerate jokes saying otherwise.

What a sad poser. He was a wigger, now he's a skater and didn't he have the misfit haircut for a while? Dude, you're 45.

Help me out here, pretty familiar with the show, but not so much with faces, which one is Troy? Always pictured an asian dude.

Bleached hair

This was a piss take surely?

Troy Quan is a DOUCHE, Joe De Rosa was right about him.

How did they rip apart Steve c and not destroy Troy over this

He somehow fooled them into thinking he was "hip"

Troy is easily my #1 most hated person in the entire O&A universe. The fact that this motherfucker didn't get destroyed every day enrages me.