Unmasked with Ron Bennington: Nick Di Paolo (02-16-2017)

69  2017-02-16 by beavvv


opie has big tits

oh shit yes

Love Nick. Ron is an overrated fat piece of shit.

Ronny is, conservatively, a billion times funnier and smarter than Nick.

hahahaha no Ron is not that funny. He is a good radio guy but he can not stand shoulder to shoulder with Nick

Not that smart either. He just surrounds himself with people who are scared to correct him and if a caller tries to he gets promptly bitched out and booted off the air.

Ur crazy as fuck doe

That's not a conservative estimate at all!

He thinks he's jerry springer.


Ron and Fez was only funny when O&A people were involved and R&F people were only funny on O&A.

You have taste for shit

does anyone else not give a shit about serious one on one interviews with anyone? especially comics, we get it you're damaged.

This has nothing to do with being damaged. It's not a serious interview. It's just Nick and Ron being funny for an hour.

It's also on itunes.

Pretty sure that Nicks new hour just came out on Seeso today, which is probably why he's been making the rounds.

It really bugs me he comes to LA and refuses to do any sets here, just "on principle." Even fucking Jay Mohr is doing the Comedy Store now, c'mon, Nick. Jesus.

Does he think LA comedy clubs ONLY let in "left leaning LA natives?" It's not fuckin Berkley...

It would suck if I lived in LA, but since I do not it makes me laugh.

Not Berkley, but we're pretty bad..

Not the Comedy Store. It's the national "mall food court" of stand up comedy. It's mostly tourists and tons of east coast people, it really is a toss up in there. I love DiPaolo but it bugs me he's that dismissive. I think he's just lazy.

Shut up faggot. People like you are exactly why I'm leaving this shithole city

Good. Less traffic. Take everyone you know with you, fageeeet

You're the faggot saying "it really bugs me" as if anyone is supposed to care. Oh it bugs you? Well in that case Nick should go hang out at a faggot club to perform for faggots like you. If you really want to see him, travel to somewhere he's performing or shut the fuck up and stop your bitching

You seem like a rational, well-rounded person and I value your opinion. So thank you, I'll make a not of your suggestion.

Hahaha I don't remember writing any of this last night but from what I've read, I'm still right

This is like talking to the Hulk at night, and then Bruce Banner the next afternoon. (Bruce is still a douche bag though)

I laughed, but I still have to call you a faggot out of principle, you faggot

Tss, why not out of CUSTODIAN.

(School administrator yuma)

Socc-uh moms

Nick is top 5 in OnA empire.

Ge certainly is!

Patrice Colin Vos Nick Dip Sherrod


I don't remember, does Nick think highly of niggers ?

Holy Shit, Nick was on fire.

Ronnie Ponytail

Nick and Ronnie are such a good team. Haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Nick is the fucking best. If he was a liberal he'd have a late night show on a major network, at worst, Comedy Central. That said, it would be interesting if a major network put him on in terms of ratings.

Surprisingly good

Nicks remark about going to the free clinic in Atlanta with all the black guys sitting in plastic chairs

"I looked like Rick Pitino coaching the Knicks" Is suchhh a funny fucking line



DiPaolo is a god damn treasure
