Is it already uncool to say "cuck?"

1  2017-02-16 by HitEmWTheHeinnn

Whenever I see someone use the word to insult someone now, it just seems like lazy, unfunny shit. What do you faggots think?


I rather just call someone a nigger and move on with my day.

Some classics never die

People using the word cuck don't do it to be cool, they do it because they don't actually know what it means but are aware it seems to get a rise out of those whom it is used to describe. It was never 'cool', it's rarely used where it makes sense, and you're a queer for making a post about it.

Now queer is a cool word. Would've also accepted "queen."

I wish you'd accept a shotgun in your mouth.

Maybe you'll accept my peckah in yours?

You don't know what it means do you

I do.

If you think it means enjoying watching your wife get fucked by other men, then you're wrong

Yeah I know. That's why I said I know what it means.

ur fawkin levellin all dese muddafawkas

Overuse made it lose much of its flavor.

Yeah its the new snowflake. Done.

Snowflake is done too? Oh boy, did the snowflakes take the word back to empower themselves?

Nah they pointed out how fragile right wingers are and it went away.

Example burn a flag or kneel during the national anthem.

I thought snowflake replaced cuck. Shows what I know. I prefer "fag" or "faggot."

Oh you prefer faggot do ya?

Too many peter puffers in this sub.

The alt-right liked it a bit too much. Go into literally any popular thread on r/the_donald and search for the word "cuck". Shit I'll do it right now for the top thread right now about that French homophobic bitch who the alt-right is creaming themselves over:

  1. A user named "SPEZLET_CUCKINGTON"
  2. A second user named "CuckedbyTRUMP"
  3. "Shia LaCuck"
  4. "the Global Cucks"
  5. "the big 4, uncucked!"

It really distracts from people like Gregg Hughes who allow his wife to fornicate with skateboarders because he is unable to satisfy her sexually.

Maybe we need to do 'shopping-carts' outside his house to remind Lynsi what a real man is like.

I'm thinking our best strategy is a few more early-to-mid 90s rap song parodies to get our point across. Enough songs and we can put together a mixtape, "It Takes a Nation of Millions for Lynsi Hughes to Orgasm".

I'm picturing Anthony as Clubber Lang (skin tone's the same) and Opie as Rocky. Maybe Bobo as Adrian?

If you call someone a cuck, it outs you as a person who knows it's taboo to call someone an insult of yesteryear ("faggot", "retard", etc.) but still wants to be edgy. Or it outs you as person who cares far too much about politics like Trump or men's rights.

That kind of person isn't fun to banter with. Those guys often come off with the same victim complex as SJWs or whomever.

If you call someone a cuck, it outs you as a person who knows it's taboo to call someone an insult of yesteryear ("faggot", "retard", etc.) but still wants to be edgy.

Every time I see someone say "cuck" I'm positive that they're too much of a pussy to call someone an insult with some actual weight and history behind it, like fag or a retard. Cuck is basically the PG version of fag.

It's almost as bad as describing something as Autistic. Ya queebs over using the good words.

I keep it traditional by using faggot and cunt as insults.

Faggot, cunt and retard will never go out of style so long as I draw breath in my body.

You keep fighting the good fight, son

I got in a scuffle with one of my friends because I said "retard" and he was trying to be "Mr. Sensitive" to impress a girl. We watched an episode of Always Sunny - "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person" and - no way - he was completely cool with it.

I'm still using the word "crunchy."


early 1990's slang for embarrassment that was big in my gradeschool

Girbaud called and said stop looking at my fly. Guess called and said to stop looking at my ass, creep!

"saved by the bell" fashion

I'm SO EXCITED! I'm SO EXCITED! Zack, I just need to sleep, all these caffeine pills drugs have me wired and now I need to STRIP!

Never heard of the show.


"would I smoke dope? Nope."

DARE to keep kids off drugs. I have a very old shirt that says that. I don't think it worked, on me anyhow.

what's ur drug of choice?

All of the above? Medicinal herbs mostly.

weed, tequila and beer for me

When Chris Stanley jumped on Cuck, it officially died. He is the King of drudging up old trends thinking they are new and hip.