Remember that time Pat Dixon OFFENDED Bonnie Macfarlane? #Retardgate

20  2017-02-16 by AVCHD


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Category Information
Title Pat Dixon Offends Bonnnie Mcfarlane
Author Jak D
Views 6,762
Duration 01:17:14
Rating 4.68888888889
Upload Date 2016-04-14 20:34:05
Category Entertainment
Keywords Pat Dixon Bonnie Mcfarlane Pat Dixon Bonnie Mcfarlane
Thumbnail Thumbnail
Video ID GdZOmpgives

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Suck my big metal fawkin peckah ya peesa gahbaaaaaadge

Is it a problem that one person was offended by a person who was specifically trying to push their buttons?

Hi Bonnie :)

I wasnt offended or amused by it. But lets be honest is there any difference between a prohibition on being offensive and a prohibition on being offended?


Because the topic before then was the four of them ranting about shitheads who ruin comedy shows by doing the NAWT FUNNY! stuff. Then she does just that. Nobody wanted to fucking talk to her that show, she looked homeless, so she should have just shut up and hung out with Pats wife. Fuck that cunt and fuck you for defending her.

Ahh aprosbro... The official left-wing wet blanket of the sub.

You know whats (not actually) funny? I stopped reading anything on the gawker imprint in octoberish because its just too trashy. At that point I was just reading deadspin and io9. Anyway, I accidentally clicked on deadspin and I have a comment reply accusing me of being a trump voter because I objected to forcing political stories into a sports vertical as a detrimental practice.


I'll be honest with you today, I'm downvoting your post not because you're defending Bonnie, but because you referred to deadspin as a "sports vertical".

Oh jesus I didn't catch you calling it the "gawker imprint" either. Gonna log onto an alt account to downvote your post twice, but that's it. One downvote for "sports vertical", a second downvote for "gawker imprint".

I downvoted him once here and then once with each of my 6 alts.

Kill yourself.

Its tired, dude.

Wish someone would post that pic again with the girl in the background and a spoon in the bowl of pennies.

That girl's name, sir, is Downie Mcfarlane.

This is just an elaborate Vos plug @ 4:30

I stand by what I said at the time. She didn't walk out because she was offended. She walked out because he's an unlikable prick.

She said don't go there and he went there. It was just disrespectful and annoying. So she left. She had no reason to be there anyway. Also, why the fuck was she, the most talented person there, not on the stage? That's the underlying issue.

She started it with her "are you stupid? Are you fucking stupid? I think you're stupid", and nothing else. Just "you're stupid" and "my sister you can't say..." Fuck that, she couldn't hang, not even with her Leon the assassin shades

Those comments were pretty late in the conversation. That isn't how it started.

The point was that procreation is discouraged with severely mentally disabled people. Have you totally forgotten the inspirational Halmark Original Movie, Riding the Bus With My Sister, starring the courageous Rosie O'Donnell? She got her tubes tied so Tae Kwon Do expert, Jesse, couldn't pump her full of retard seed. Bonnie got all pissy at the wording, that's all.

It was his attitude about it. You know he was being an asshole. He wasn't in a comedy club. He was sitting in a small room directly across from someone whose sister is retarded. I understand that he probably wasn't trying to be mean but her reaction was understandable. She doesn't have to sit there and take it like a little bitch.

She jumped right away because he said "regards can't procreate". It's like saying "midgets can't play basketball". Well...technically they can...sort of. Tards can have babies, but it's strongly discouraged. Bonnie had zero logic to back up anything, all she had was emotion. When the guy increased his logic, she increased her emotion, and so I'm until she couldn't handle it and had to stomp out like a girl, because the mean man was a mean man. "We're leaving, RICH!"'

Everything you wrote is true. And he was being a dickhead to Bonnie. His wasn't being being a dickhead to anyone else.

She was already angry at that point.

Kill yourself.

That's not nice.


Kill yourself.

I like Bonnie, think she's funny on the radio. I follow her on Twitter and every single tweet is social justice related. No jokes, just articles bashing Trump, donate to the ACLU, trans rights, BLM, etc. Are comedians even comedians anymore? It's like she's desperately trying to be young and hip. Maybe Berkeley will invite her to do a set.

Funny thing is, Pat's wife is the same SJW as Bonnie.

All of that may be true...dat ass tho.

I think youre forgetting that even tho Bonnie is funny and a member of this retarded circle we follow; shes still a woman They dont stop complaining. Ever

She pissed off pat by calling him stupid. He did what most comedians would do and fight back and keep insulting retards, because he knew it would really piss her off.

This bitch has sat through hours of O&A but this is what she chooses to be offended by because it affects her.

Rich Vos had not made me laugh once. If he talks about his career one more time he should be executed without trial.

She definitely could have handled that better but I'd still eat her butt/worship her feet so whatever.

Im done in October I dont care what ya do!

Pat Dixson is the best thing on TACS. Granted that's not saying much but he's seriously underrated in the comedy world.

lol Vos equates retards with guys in wheelchairs and the blacks.