Dude Weed LMAO

29  2017-02-16 by Opieisgod


both these cocky fags should just fuck already

I was just going to post something about this. Joe needs to stop drinking on air. He was confrontational the whole show. Joe is a high functioning addict and is completely naive to it.

I don't really give a shit if he drinks typically, but when he gets super aggressive and sort of pulls some "alpha" (calm down everyone I put it in quotes) shit where he talks down to a guest like they are a child it comes across poorly, especially since he is the host.

The randomly calling his guests pussy and fuck face seems to happen a lot more after a couple drinks. You saw Crowder take honest offense to it one of times Joe finished a sentence with fuck face. I would too. Joe tries to pass it off as fucking around but you can tell he's not joking. He's trying to bulldog you.

He was trying to alpha him. And then he cried you're defensive I thoughtbwe were friends if That pussy crowder took a minor shot back. If Steven had balls he would have pissed on the mics and left.

I didn't see that part I will have to go back and see how the whole ball got rolling, I just heard a bunch of other people saying he was swearing at him. If you are with a friend you know pretty well you can call him just about anything, but when you only remotely know the guy it can be fightin' words to a lot of people. I doubt he says it to many of his MMA guests, even though most of them would probably shrug it off, knowing he has to be joking. For a more regular guy like crowder it was definitely some alpha shit. Despite everyone calling rogan a juiced up old midget etc, I'd easily place my bet on him in that fight. All of this depends on context and tone too, but "fuckface" is pretty rough for debating a guest on a show.

I will have to go back and see how the whole ball got rolling

That was the funniest part. Joe asked him what is a topic that you don't like talking about, and Crowder answered weed because he doesn't really care that much about it. Then Joe tried to make it seem like Crowder brought the topic up out of nowhere to attach marijuana.

Two of the most hateable and punchable people on the planet.

what about me

hheh heh heh... you're alright, kid. hhheh heh heh...

No one hates you they just pity you and wish you would check out early.

Joe is a moron. He ruined the Alex Jones, Nock DiPaolo and Crowder interviews because he wanted to challenge them. Then he has a bunch of liberal queers on and he sucks their balls.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Alex Jones one, that shit was pure entertainment IMO. I expected off the rails banter and it pretty much was exactly that.

Didn't see the latest Dipalo one, and the bit I saw from the Crowder one was more annoying than entertaining to me.

Gavin said he might be on next week, it will be interesting to see how he reacts to his second appearance.

Alex was great but joe kept cutting him off and made him repeat himself 3-4 times. Alex was shitfaced and high and off to the races. Let him go. We missed out on a couple things because joe cut him off and changed the subject.

Joe did a good job with Alex IMO, because Alex just rattles shit off unchecked constantly. So someone saying "slow down, lets look that up" once in a while is good. When he says interdimensional vampire pedophiles rule the world, thats hard to fact check on google

I get that but he didn't get back to some of the other things that Alex was about to let out. Like the Kennedynassassination and the full nasa story. They both kept getting diverted. Anyways Joe only likes to have conservatives on to challenge them while he sucks up to liberals. He wouldn't dare question seth rogan or schumer the way he does with right wingers about their political thoughts.

Alex Jones is not your typical right winger and his viewpoints aren't your average "small government + less taxes" republicanism. Rogan absolutely has questioned left wing points of view when they come from the extreme left. He wouldn't have had Chistrina Hoff Sommers or Jordan Peterson on his show if your ragey little fantasy world was real. He also has been very critical of Schumer and her joke thievery on air. You really need to redirect the majority of your hate towards that faggot Eddie Bravo, who was way more of a nuisance during the Alex Jones podcast.

Thank God we have Joe Rogan to fact check people when they go off on tangents. And by fact check I mean, Google something click the first link and then just read the headline. Look out Bob Woodward there's a new kid in town.

Joe couldn't control Eddie. His only mistake was inviting Eddie to be on in the first place. Joe said yesterday that Eddie was blacked out for the Alex episode.

I view Jones as a comedian so I'd rather he just be allowed to talk, but that's not how Joe was presenting him. Also, Eddie Bravo ruined that episode and made it almost unlistenable.

And by comedian you mean he is actually Bill Hicks in an assumed identity, right?

I only saw about 20-30 min of the argument, but it seems like they were arguing in circles about basically nothing, jumping all over the place, and rogan was being a bit of a smug dick and Crowder was getting super defensive and argumentative as a result.

I didn't see the initiation of the argument, but I guess crowder mentioned that maybe pot might make some people bad at driving or just have some potential negative effects, and Joe went into "weed solves everything mode" super hard. By the point I was watching crowder was saying he doesn't give a shit if someone smokes weed, but neither dude would just drop it and move on. It came across as pretty amateurish considering how many hours of broadcasting both guys have done.

Gavin said something about being on JRE next week, so if he isn't bullshitting maybe he will bring it up.

Joe came off as someone who is entirely too connected to weed and the possible negative effects of it, when used en masse, legally. He said that weed doesn't slow reactions even though he has said that indica makes you lethargic. Crowder was grasping at every possible straw and dodging every positive effect of weed use, whilst being dishonest about him not liking people smoking weed. He was arguing for arguments sake. It amazes me that someone could be so up in arms over weed being legal when alcohol is already legal and very harmful to society, if abused.

Thanks for that hot take with comparing weed and alcohol. I have never heard that line of thought before.

Happy to help.

I feel the same way! These issues aren't being brought up folks!

the worst thing about joe is that if someone brings it up later he'll talk all sorts of shit about crowder like he's done in the past with other guests.

From Joe Rogan's Instagram: "Well, this one went off the rails for a while. First of all, I genuinely like Steven as a person, and although I might not agree with him about everything I think he's a good man. During the podcast we got into the subject of marijuana and by that time we (especially me) were quite a bit drunk and didn't exactly handle the conversation really well. Steven gets attacked online quite a bit, and it certainly wasn't my intention to have him on my show to argue with him. At the beginning of the show it seemed to me that we weren't being conversational as much as we were going off talking points so I suggested a few drinks as a social lubricant. We disagreed about weed, and judging by my personal level of regret after his reaction I'm sure I fucked up. I take 100% responsibility for it going off the rails, and I'm truly sorry if it upset any of you that listened to it or watched it. We managed to pull it back together at the end, but of course the shitty parts are all you or I will focus on for a while. My humblest and most heartfelt apologies. I do my best with these things but I, like all of us, am flawed."

I wish Joe was better at articulating his points because Crowder(Milo,Gavin,& Shapiro) grossly misrepresents stats all the fucking time and need to be called out.

However, Crowder was spot on when he said Joes arguments don't work. He can't debate.

grossly misrepresents stats all the fucking time and need to be called out.

He's got jamie there to pull shit up. Problem is that when it's your dude pulling up facts, they can cherry pick, as Crowder pointed out. That and one or two articles doesn't usually provide concrete proof for one side or the other.

Exactly. There's a lot of complexity to these studies and I find Statistic literacy to be a serious problem.

It's fucking infuriating that Joe for almost 1000 episodes will IMMEDIATELY take an article as pure truth and shove it down his guests throat. "Oh, pot doesn't help with Lipoma, well lets google that!" "Jamie put it up on screen. Oh look! FUCKING POT HELPS WITH LIPOMA! It says RIGHT HERE, in the opinion section of washington post, written by Sasquahanna Lemmel! Mr. Guest, how can you look at me and deny my stance now, we literally put it right in front of you!" It's really sad. Those articles aren't research papers. They are extrapolated opinion pieces with 3-4 sentences of quoted source from a 20,000 word study. Someone really needs to call Joe out on this live.

Crowder made a statement and either he or someone wrote an entire article about it on his site. Jamie pulled up an article in 5 seconds that made crowder look like he did zero research. If you are going to argue a point and write an article about something you feel passionate about, like crowder does with wed, you should at least know that there are articles out there that will negate your article and be ready for someone to bring them up.

about something you feel passionate about, like crowder does with wed

I haven't watched it all yet but it seemed like crowder didn't care all that much about weed and rogan was forcing the issue aggressively and wouldn't just drop it and move on. In the part I watched, crowder said he doesn't care if someone smokes at least two times if not more. His only issue seemed to be that a lot of people (read super hippies and to an extent himself) seem to think weed is a cure all, and that there are no negative effects whatsoever. I'm pro legalization but sometimes people like Joe hurt that argument more than help.

I didn't see the part with Crowder's (or at least his website's) article, or what Jamie pulled up to counter it, so no comment until I see it.

In the clip he says that he doesn't care if people smoke weed, but he clearly cares. He pulled the same shit on Red Eye a few years ago with Amy Schumer. He tried to shame her for having premarital sex. She should be shamed for many things, but not that. He's an ultra-christian doofus who is the funny guy at church, but is really a bitch who complains about 'bullying' when he can't defend himself.

but he clearly cares.

To what extent? He doesn't want people to drive on it, and thinks people shouldn't pretend it cures cancer? Not completely unreasonable. I don't follow him that closely but that's what I saw in the conversation, as I stated above.

On a side note, while crowder is a a bit of a dork, did he fuck your wife or something? You seem to be going pretty hard anti-crowder in the multiple comments your name is popping up on. I thought both guys came across poorly.

He would've come away looking great if he said that people who claim weed cures cancer are assholes and left it at that. Instead he thought he had an ace up his sleeve with the article on his site and he didn't know what he was talking about and wasn't ready to argue that point. But you're right, they both came across as idiots.

As a general rule, anything that affects your coordination or thought process shouldn't be taken while operating machines that can potentially kill people. I don't know why that even has to be debated..

Yep, him and Gav are cucked by Christianity.

Joe is a muscly dunce who is very knowledgeable about a few things and enjoys 'learning' about others. Crowder represents this disgusting fascination in America with 'debating' and winning points. The fact he used AAA research and didn't take into account the age of people who were involved in the accidents and how much weed was in their system. Young people are more likely to smoke weed and weed says in your system for, I think, thirty days. If you have an accident two weeks after smoking, it would be unreasonable to attribute weed to causing the accident.

Shapiro isn't bad. Gavin and Milo say shit just to get a rise out of people and they don't even believe half the shit they say. Crowder is trying to be Glenn Beck, so he should at least be able to argue with a drunk/high 50 year old and his lackie.

I separate Shapiro from that crowd. He's not the brightest bulb and is purely ideological, but the stats he uses are at least typically cited. Gavin straight up invents numbers.

That's true.

Fuck, Joe came off as a total prick

Look at what he was up against. Crowder made a claim, wrote an article on his site and touted that article then it was quickly refuted by a 5 second google search. Crowder kept saying that he was getting ganged up on. Watch Bill Maher's show - the audience is filled with rabid liberals and I've never seen anyone complain that they're getting ganged up on.

Crowder is a formal debate type of dude who doesn't want real sources LIVE, he just wants a 1v1 shit talk session talking in hypotheticals. Which is dumb. But Joe was definitely being a dick and has very little self awareness ironically. He absolutely alpha males people when he thinks he is 10000% correct.

I'll agree with that.

But it wasn't refuted. Without comparing the studies, Joe didn't prove a damn thing. He read some headlines, liked one headline over another, and now that was the entirety of the truth.

The whole argument was retarded. Yeah, Joe, please go explain to legislators how weed needs to be legalized because people actually drive safer when they're high. You can make the same argument that people drive safer when they don't have car insurance. Get the fuck out of here.

Psha.. a doctor? They don't have to be right.

The point is, Joe isn't ready to have a nuanced or informed conversation about pathophysiology. There are stacks of books that are being updated constantly, and he has zero medical background. If you do a test where you throw THC at a cancer cell and it kills it in a certain environment, that doesn't necessarily mean a god damned thing.

There's a reason it takes like 12 years to get a PhD in medicine, and it's not because they read the latest headlines of High Times.

I know that, you know that. I was just typing a comment that was something along the lines to what Joe did say about doctors.

I figured that's what you were saying.

If you agree with anything I've said say yes to me, or wink.

He did the same thing the news does constantly. Ignore the quantitative differences in favor of the qualitative. A journal article might actually go out of its way to responsibly stress something like "the results make approximately 0.0001% of a difference, but these are our findings and the study cost money, so here they are for what its worth" and people will thoroughly leave that out. Actually it's usually because they don't know how to interpret what the fuck they're reading. "Two standard deviations? Three!? What is this shit, like, multiple dimensions? Yeah uuhhhh whatevs, forget that noise".

It was refuted. Crowder made a big deal about an article on his own website and wanted to use that as fact. He kept citing the AAA as the source. Rogan or Jamie pulled up something refuting it and he claimed he was being bullied and also claimed that Rogan came prepared, as if that's a bad thing.

If you read the quick screenshot, it was one state, and only covered one year after the law change. I have not read Crowder's articles either, but I think it would be a fair assumption that it was this specific state, and this specific bit of data.

Also, they could easily be comparing different things. One study could be total number of fatalities that have increased (or decreased), and the other study could be specifically the number of fatal accidents where marijuana was found in the system of one or more of the drivers.

So it was not refuted, because it was reading of blurbs and headlines. Both Rogan and Crowder may have made the same mistakes.

I didn't read the quick screenshot, I read the article. Crowder made the point that because pot is legal in some states, car accidents are going up. His insertion was that people are getting high and driving and causing accidents. Rogan refuted that with a washington post story. Crowder then said he was being bullied.


Ok, so not refuted just a "My article is better than your article" fuckface? Why so sad sweety?

You sound like Crowder when he loses an argument.

OK Cupcake.

I think they were both in the wrong but Joe's the host, its his job to make it entertaining and interesting, not to jump on every little fact and get into semantic games where they spin in circles and talk over eachother so fast it makes you dizzy.

You have a point.

Sooo.. he came off as he always does?

"You're locked in [politically] maaaaannnnn"

  • Rogan

Crowder is though.

So are you. So is Rogan.


I think Joe needs to up his Alpha BRAIN.

Who gives a fuck what this abstinence-only faggot comic has to say

At least his abstinence was a religious choice. Rogan's had a whole different reason.

In the full video at 3:06:01 Rogan pulls that classic Opie move where, even despite the obvious tension, he brings up the old "Well I'm fine, it's just you"

It was exactly like an Opie argument complete with calling the other person fuck face


Just in case you thought Crowder wasn't an equally annoying piece of shit.


I'm not a crowder fan, but I lost A LOT of respect for him after seeing this. I'm also not a huge weed guy, but Rogan made him look foolish. I can't believe a grown man said that 2 men were ganging up on him because one was pulling up articles on the internet. Rogan offered Crowder his laptop but he denied it. Crowder also said that he'd like to continue the conversation on his own show. Why? Does he need his christian coalition to be there to defend him? He should stick to being a virgin, bible thumper and not venture out of Utah or wherever the fuck he lives.

Why is there a competition between something is that's healthy and something gets me faaawwwkkkiinnn zoooottteeeeddd maaaaaannnnn.....

WTF? He thinks Narcanon is a source? A fucking Scientology front?

People who don't smoke weed shouldn't talk about how it affects people, you don't fucking even know

I sort of agree with you to an extent, but I've never done heroin and I still know that it is highly addictive, makes people lethargic on large doses, causes a solid handful of overdose deaths and is probably ultimately a bad idea. If there is LEGIT documentation on a subject you can still be reasonably well informed about a lot of things.

Also, I've seen weed have a pretty large range of effects on different people, so just because it feels one way to you it might not to the next guy.

Joe ROIDgan sells people crappy AM radio commercial products for a living and pretends his drugged out opinion is somehow unique.

Crowder called Joe a bully. Nothing Joe did or said is worse than that.

They're both fucking insufferable and neither one has any idea how to have an argument. Crowder wants to be able to say "let's say you're right" to get out of having to debate with facts (not to mention relying on his own website as a source), and Rogan wants to move the goalposts every sentence to avoid having to address any points from the other side. They argue like women.

Also, you have to be a special breed of retard to believe 'weed cures cancer' claims. There is no scientific basis for it at all, except for isolated chemical extracts in massive doses in rats. But Rogan types don't lobby for pharmaceutical-grade extracts and clinical trials, because it's all about getting high.

I love Joe but Jesus Christ.. what a cuck

What a headache of a conversation

They're both a pair of annoying cunts.

They're both repressed homoses..

Oh look it's two guys that know nothing about the pharmaceutical industry talking about the pharmaceutical industry.

Steven is right though the patents the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry are going after are specific isolation of aspects of THC that have the most benefit for things like reducing tumor size or combating nausea. You can smoke pot all you want with cancer you're just going to die High is fuck. Marijuana alone has very little benefit for any major illness or disease. The goal here is to isolate the aspects that do affect illness in large enough amounts to be therapeutic without having the effects of being an absolute retard from being high. The last thing you want is a seven-year-old with epilepsy walking around stoned the younger generation is retarded enough. Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot when it comes to marijuana.

This is a Trayvon vs Zimmerman situation here. 2 dingbats cross paths on a dark rainy night and nobody wins.

Zimmerman definitely won that encounter.

Had to shut it off early. Joe was unbearable

Joe's post regarding this podcast:

Well, this one went off the rails for a while. First of all, I genuinely like Steven as a person, and although I might not agree with him about everything I think he's a good man. During the podcast we got into the subject of marijuana and by that time we (especially me) were quite a bit drunk and didn't exactly handle the conversation really well. Steven gets attacked online quite a bit, and it certainly wasn't my intention to have him on my show to argue with him. At the beginning of the show it seemed to me that we weren't being conversational as much as we were going off talking points so I suggested a few drinks as a social lubricant. We disagreed about weed, and judging by my personal level of regret after his reaction I'm sure I fucked up. I take 100% responsibility for it going off the rails, and I'm truly sorry if it upset any of you that listened to it or watched it. We managed to pull it back together at the end, but of course the shitty parts are all you or I will focus on for a while. My humblest and most heartfelt apologies. I do my best with these things but I, like all of us, am flawed.

Solid response. Seems pretty honest.

You should hear Doug Benson on Greg Fitz' podcast.

"Dude, weed." "Dude, Trump." /episode.

This is why I don't smoke weed. I guess I'd be okay doing it once in a while, but Joes retarded 12 year old personally really makes me wanna never become a pot head.

If you listen to the entire appearance, he called Avatar "Fucking amazing" and did an Opie like pondering of how AMAZING cars are.


That's not fair to weed. Joe was super retarded way before he ever became a pothead.

He's getting worse and worse, and now we're seeing the angry pot head. Same thing happened to Doug Benson. He's had a couple of on air anger outburst in the last few years.

Constantly smoking a brain altering substance can't end well.

In your ass.

Joe only pulls up his source and didn't want to look at anything that refuted it. It's confirmation bias.

Also Joe's source is bullshit. Traffic deaths in CO are at the lowest fatalities because car safety is better and they have been dropping for decades not just the two years weed has been legal.

This guy Crowder was never funny until he went into the impressions business, then he made his big break. I think even the cucks on this forum admit Cumia for instance is good at impressions.

He did a Russia Today interview in 2013 and was a dick about his wrestling skills.

Conservative, married-before-he's-30 male who doesn't smoke weed, smokes a tobacco pipe and only drinks beer occasionally. Sounds like a fun guy am'rite.

He should just try some DMT

Also some OnIt ShroomTech