ME: Where we at with the deep state?

3  2017-02-16 by BabyDinosaurHead

I was all in with the FBI to be completely honest witcha but now they woooon't leave meeee the fuuuck alooone. Look I just wanna move on with my fawkin' life but the intelligence community won't let me do that which is, uh, extremely strange to me. sniff

So you guys think they're all in with a coup or they're just taking a peek at subversion? Look, at the end of the day 99% of IC spooks do da right ting. PERIOD.

I think MacMullin was one of Howard's guys and that's why they're afraid of me and this radio show. The FBI, CIA, the O&A subreddit and NSA are manipulating the haters!


I'm being gang stalked

Let us know when it turns to rape. Periscope that shit nigga.

They can suck ma FAWKIN PECKA!!!!