ME: "I'm usually the guy SAVING people's jobs from stupid shit. I've done that MANY a time, trust me!"

22  2017-02-16 by suchanjv


As far as I remember he has not once stood up for anyone at all, EVER. Not even the co-host who got him where he is.

Delusional bag of shit.

He's referring to Troy here and I do think this did occur. Troy wasn't allowed on air for a few years. I remember at the time opie saying he went to bat for him. It is probably the only time he has ever done it. I heard him say this too and the only thing that popped in my head was Troy and then his one example was that. I think Troy at the time was hooking them up with free clothes. Plus, Opie thinks Troy is "cool" and probably likes to be around him so he feels cool too.

I'm pretty sure that's what was going on with Pete Davidson and why he let Pete drive the fat Stangels right out of the studio.

Of all the people to stick your neck out for, Troy Fucking Quan. Who actually probably deserved to get fired for threatening physical violence on a soft gay boy. Fuck Opie.

Well then his gf plummeted off a cliff to her death in front of him... So, you know, karma works out.

With Troy's hand prints between her shoulder blades, allegedly.

I mean we all agree that her death was mightily suspicious, right?

It's definitely Troy he was referring to. He mentioned the guy had won some radio production award, and that was Troy.

I hate when he beats around the bush like that. He's been doing it a lot lately. He wouldn't mention troy's name (maybe cuz Troy went with Jim and Sam), and he acted like maybe he shouldn't mention Alexis Stewart's name, after referring to "the cunt" that made things hard for Jenny Hutt. If something is public record and almost all of the listeners know who you're talking about anyway, don't act like a junior high school girl about saying names.

Opie can be kind of annoying. Anyone else ever pick up on that?

I know Troy is a Sam guy, but has he been on air at all during the new show?

Yeah, quite a few times. He argued with Neal DeGrasse Tyson about alien abductions. And just last week he told a story of being bullied as a kid, and then getting in a fight with one of the bullies. He maced him, then punched him in the face so hard he shit his pants. Not the bully; Troy shit his own pants when throwing the punch.

Troy still bugs me, but he's not as annoying as he used to be.

Yeah I remember the bully story now.

He's a faggot hipster with the haircut of a rapist but that shitting his own pants story was really funny.

pie thinks Troy is "cool" and probably likes to be around him so he feels cool too.

Opie is George and Troy is Tony

Troy, I made salmon salad sandwiches cause I know you don't like peanut butter.

Opie turns his hat backwards

Save yourself then, blockhead.

Opie has driven away more talent than the Underground Railroad.

The only person Opster saves is himself, everytime his conscience creeps up and is slightly loud enough to suggest some introspection he pushes that shit down back where it belongs. Oooff but ya get it


I find it funny that Patrice, Colin, Billy Burr and Louis CK were never paid to be on the show but he made sure Sherrod and Vic get paid.

Why is it when Opie says "Trust me" I never trust him?

Because you are over the age of five.

"I'm your real father Hudson, trust me."

It's one of the classic tells that someone is full of shit. They know they are loying so they automatically think the person they are talking to does too and needs convincing otherwise. The same as one his other classics "if you want to know the truth". Why the fuck would anyone want otherwise. Fucking tits

"To be perfectly ahnest with ya."

"If you REAAALLY need ta know"

Nobody asked or cared but he acts like somebody was nosily prying. Fucking cunt. The number of hateable things about him is beyond the ability to count.

Because Oqie only says it when he wants you to believe something that's obviously a lie.

I can't wait for when tits gets so comfortable he gets to make his fantasy of getting knocked out by his black friend for saying nigger come true. Sherrod could finally add something

Look at the Tits fans in the comments praising their overlord for being real & frequently using the term 'haters' unironically.

How do these people exist.

ME: "But I told them I was live streaming on facebook. Thats what they expect from me."

Sad existence. Sadder reason to live.

Can you imagine your grandfather live streaming on facebook?

Tits might be old but he's a long way off being a grandfather. He'd have to sire some offspring first.

Opie didn't seem to go to bat for Ant or Steve C. I didn't like Danny but his firing seemed like it was pretty trivial

I don't get how Opie always maintained that they had no power at Sirius

Opie CONSTANTLY talking about how he is a good guy and saves people jobs all the time makes it painfully obvious that he's never saved anyone's job.

Opie is such a delusional faggot. I bet the folks at Sirius want to fire him but they're waiting till October just so they can fuck with him. That's what I would do if I was a Sirius exec. I would go out of my way to make Opie's life hell for the next 8 months

the youtube comments section is...

based on youtube/twitter, the modern Opie fans identify their own social ostricization and awkwardness with opie's and they listen to him as a kind of therapy. they get defensive of him cause they're vicariously rooting for themselves/people like themselves. some people are born unlikeable and occasionally find their Sherrods and Vics but they the facade is tissue thin and threatens to break at any moment.

Anyone catch him talking about 'his brand' around 21:00? "Isn't my brand important?"

No, Tits. You have no brand. The only brand there was was Opie & Anthony.

"N-nobody gives me any credit for puttin' this whole fahkin' thing together in the first place!"

Now be fair, 20 years ago he recognized how funny other people were, don't dismiss his contributions to this fahkin' radio thing like that, hater.

Remember when it wasn't until his big-tittied tearful breakdown that Opie admitted he didn't really go to bat for Anthony staying as much as he should have? He kept that lie going for months, if not years