Children are the future...

5  2017-02-16 by Ralph_Cifaretto



Why is OP watching children on youtube?

I would like to hear your reason, and OPs reason.

I'd like two big titty bitches to blow me when I walk into the house.

Shureee I can imagine

Someone mentioned being banned from the feminism subreddit, so I thought I'd pay them a visit. I saw this video on their front page.

TL;DR I like fucking children.

This is why bullying is a good thing, Roland Jrs parents need to take away the Ipad and give this kid a fucking bike.

Why? My parents bought me a bike to combat my husky form, but i sold it for 300 Ho-Hos

oh erock.

I assure you this kids parents are the problem not the solution.

This kid needs a long hard hitch in the army, on the frontline. It'll either straighten him out or he'll be killed. Win win.

This is either pathetic and enraging or he's the Turkish/Sicilian Andy Kaufman. It would such if he lost his inhaler and had an asthma attack.

Anthony has already blown this kid

This Stangel-chinned fuck is talking about objectifying women and he probably hasn't had his first wank yet.

Patton Oswalt's love child,will never get laid.Not even in a Juarez whorehouse.

I would like to hear your reason, and OPs reason.

Someone mentioned being banned from the feminism subreddit, so I thought I'd pay them a visit. I saw this video on their front page.

TL;DR I like fucking children.