Behold the power of Christ! Science cant explain this

9  2017-02-15 by Nulltor


No wonder that slavery happened

You are a slave to your ignorant western scientific paradigm, behold the Lords ability to make this negresses arm slightly longer!

I'm gonna buy a Little Magician's Starter Kit, open a church in Africa and make millions. All I need from you guys is $27 in seed money

This mans thumb was sundered in twain, but now has been rejoined through the power of the one true Lord! Praise Jesus!

They booked on the next J&S yet?

but then they complain about getting shot by cops

"And thus Leroy did reach into his pocket and withdraw a .357 magnum and the police did smite him with 16 rounds to the chest. But when when the police looked closer the .357 magnum was transformed into a harmless wallet, and there was much wailing and looting of shops"

''And lo, Leroy's mother, fraught with grief, did extol the virtues of her son, who was returning to the path of righteousness and had committed no sin this day.''