What was the episode of Opie and Anthony where they make fun of Opie for his body surfing and everyone makes fun of him?

0  2017-02-15 by ThePittsburgher

I wanna relive it.


Who made fun of who

Opie got made fun by everyone, they imitate paralyzed Opie

Is that the one with Bawby in studio where they make fun of Opie for potentially getting paralyzed?


They make fun of him and then make fun of him?

Ha yea then they all started ragging on him about it.

the most vicious show ever/ the spinning wheel of death

Your a gentleman and a scholar! Thanks

paralyzed opie

I just listened to it today! always fun to listen to that one. Vos and Kelly fuckin kill it. I enjoyed it so much, I jerked off while it was playing in the background.. no homo
