Alex Jones' Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman

1  2017-02-15 by bobomobile


Oooo alternet.... a publication that comes from an alternate reality where blacks and gays are bayonetted casually on the streets of a police state.

I would move to that reality even if vaginas had razor sharp teeth

Which ironically enough was also what Infowars was all about until they realized they made more money posting pro-cop stories.

Sounds like a safe place to raise a family.

The site’s editor, Paul Joseph Watson, apparently has no editorial standards

Thank God Buzzfeed has such a thorough (((editorial process))). They always get everything checked by the (((higher-ups))) too.

Inforwars is shit too though.

And of course the article has no mention whatsoever of the former inforwars employee even alleging that Alex Jones would actually be a sellout to Trump, just how he became a Trump supporter. Clickbaiting pieces of shits. There's plenty of genuine reasons to hate Alex Jones, there's no reason to do this.

If Hicks would just man up and admit he didn't like stand-up enough to pursue it for another 20 years no one would have a problem with "Alex Jones"

whats with all this gay stuff?

A reasonable person could come to this conclusion without any inside info.

Yeah but Kurt Nimmo is a j00 u morons of course hes against trump and alex jones now cause he thought he could mold and control alex forever yes Im fully aware alex is a jewbook brainwash cuck for life. Look Kurt Nimmo contributed to this book you think hes jewish?
Contributors include former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney, British foreign correspondent Robert Fisk, former senior CIA analysts Bill and Kathy Christison, professor of philosophy Michael Neumann, Capitol Hill staffer George Sutherland, assistant professor of political science and author Norman Finkelstein, Israeli Uri Avnery, Shaheed Alam and Israeli journalists Neve Gordon and Yigal Bronner as well as Will Yeoman, Kurt Nimmo and Anne Pettifer. The editors Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair allege "false accusations of antisemitism are used to silence Israel's critics",[1][2] and write about the USS Liberty incident.

Anyone notice this story comes from media matters? Why is nimmo supposedly so anti-Trump? Is he one of Alexs Jew employees that constantly reinforce his Hitler bashing?

If Hicks would just man up and admit he didn't like stand-up enough to pursue it for another 20 years no one would have a problem with "Alex Jones"