Hey isn't that Opies office?

80  2017-02-14 by Dennyislife



I tried.

How is Nosferatu surviving in such bright light?

I'd titfuck Sandy, man.

Opie wouldn't take a bj and she (rightly) called him a fag

Don't squeeze them too hard or they'll explode in a dusty cloud.

Day of the Dead.

I hope they get cited for breaking fire code by having that chair in the hallway.

I hope there's an actual fire an everyone on Faction Talk trips over it.

Ant finally found a way to sneak into Sirius unnoticed.

those bubs don't look too bad.

If only I didn't know it was all the plastic bra

It's his chest.

he wishes! only the real big muckity mucks get the corner office chair.

"Fuck Opie, he's a faget mayn, eugghyaa."

Has there ever been a picture of young Sandy Kane? I don't know if photography was invented yet, but I bet those tits looked nice when they still had some youth.

I wanna tie her soggy nips in a knot while I go deep in that au jus sauce.

So who here would fuck Sandy Kane as she is now? No life or death, you have to fuck her or your family dies, scenarios. Just give the old broad a good deep dicking. Who'd do it?

I'm in. I appreciate nice tits on an old broad, so long as she hasn't developed bingo-wings.

I believe that she blew Nick DiPaolo.

I fucked a 50 year old super Gilf. Slim with massive tits. She literally made me grab realllly hard fist fulls of her tits. Probably in the top 5 of my best fucks. Old broads eat that penis up like it's Botox.

Sam Roberts, anorexic Neanderthal..

He took ya job now your office in the hall..

She hasnt aged in 25 years. Shed a fucking vampress

Yup. Looks like the aging process tapered off at 84

Troy Quan is bitch killing fake gook.

she fine look those tone legs flat tummy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuc i wan dat

The wheeling of the chairs!

Patrice was right when he said she looked like an unwrapped mummy.