Opie said that mgmt wanted an A-lister to co-host and he said no

9  2017-02-14 by sexylarrytate

If this is true, I am sure it was an attempt to sneak in a whole new show, where Opie would last until Oct and the other guy would take over, like Artie did to Nick on Directv. They dont like him.


Q: How great would it be if Opie slowly was phased out of his own show and he had to sit in his nice penthouse apartment listen to some other hacks doing the "Opie Radio Show"?

A: A lot. A lot great.

That was a fabricated humblebrag .

What A-lister would want to do radio with Opie?

C'mon guy.

John and Jeff.

we're three guys who...


He said A-lister. I didnt. Anyway, they probably would have played the old switcheroo come October even if it were an F-lister.

Bullshit! He's been co-hosting the show with Ellen since October.

By A-lister, just do you guys know...they meant Bruer. "A" lister is a very loosely used term in radio/comedy.

Yeah I figured Op was exaggerating again.

d-list people said no to being a co-host, even when it meant getting your own show at the end of the contract

They meant Jim Norton. Opie said no and now he's stuck at 5pm with 2 people who couldn't fill a VFW hall.