Opie tries to win Lynsi's love by doing the thing that turns her on the most

6  2017-02-14 by NortheastPhilly


I didn't think starting a topic for this would be looked upon too favorably, so I'll ask here. Sorry for the digression. I have a great copy of a sci-fi movie about gear-filled tropical fruit (410MB). What's that site the "Request Movies" sub used to use to up videos to? Or failing that, recommend one so I can share the goodness.

2:29 second video of The Destroyer getting his balloon knot tickled by Bam?


At :27 he calls it a "half pike." Fucking YUCK.

dont hate just because the opester can shred the gnar

He was surprisingly coordinated, I'll give him that, but there's also an extremely good chance that was a body double.

Yea, that wasn't him

Yeah, but can he gleam the cube?

May she be taken hostage and defiled by terrorists.

Anthony had cool hair

Anthony is funny now, but how did they become popular, they must have sold their soul to the devil.

They are both in their 30s in this clip.

Anthony messes up the charade with the timely Brady bunch reference

Yea, that wasn't him