Anyone notice that the meanness of the conversation and jokes that happen here do not translate well in the real world

32  2017-02-14 by fish_flower

so many times I make an astute observation that is not very nice and I just get looked at like an asshole

it's so unappreciated everywhere else but here

am I doomed to never be able to think of things in a nice way?


everywhere else but here

If this is really the only mean place on the internet you are aware of, you are a fucking rookie.

I was really only talking about non-internet

Yeah most people don't know who Rich Vos is

Crying shame

I jokingly told my asian mailman to "shit up, stupid." He doesn't stop to chat anymore.

I don't know man my friends are into pretty cruel humor and occasionally ball busting goes far over what most would consider the line. The only thing is that those losers never heard of Opie & Anthony.

They're the lucky ones

I was once somewhat dating this woman from my old job and I completely changed my act around her. This autist at work was getting fucked with and she said that was terrible so in front of her I told the guy(who I was cool with) that it wasn't cool to fuck with him and it was mean. I also was unironically using emojis and bought toys for for tots to bring in. I sold out and became a complete faggot just on the thought of getting pussy from her. I was 21 at the time though.

man I do that shit all the time, It's like I always have to put up an act for companionship

Yeah, I'm probably much worse though. I was still a virgin at the time and by somewhat dating I mean she was married but we sent each other nudes and went to breakfast together sometimes. She never let me fuck but the always acted like we were gonna.

You're right. You're worse. She wanted the D.

have you ever tried making a move or did you wait for her to do it?

I made a move a few times but it never went anywhere. Mostly because I wasn't really aggressive with trying. I have not seen her in like a year and a half.

I got tired of waiting to fuck anybody so I took a week vacation to Thailand (I went to Amsterdam alone at 18 and was too beta to fuck a hooker). I really loved Asia so much that I just quit my job(basic factory work not a real career) and stayed for almost 4 months.

South East Asia is a really fun place and if anyone on this sub has the cash and is single I highly recommend going there.

If you want to stay awhile you don't need much cash either. My rent for a furnished studio apartment in Bangkok was about 200 a month and daily food was about 5 to 10 bucks. Plane tickets to other south east asian countries run for between 30 and 50 bucks 1 way and buses will take you to a city like 4 hours away for 3 bucks.

i regret i asked

Yeah I'm sorry. I have bipolar II and I go off on tangents a lot

na im kidding. can you post it again?

Yeah sure We'll see... Wait a minute I think you are trying to trick me.

You're fucking so pathetic its leaving me in stiches

Yeah well, why don't you stuff those judgements in a sack and take a long walk off a short Pier.

Did you?

YEEESSSSS!!!!!! I got invited to the races by my sister and her work mates from the bank.. Vip passes and all... someone mentioned amy schumer and without thinkin or looking up from my Guinness I said "pfft.. you like that fat joke stealing hack?" I swear the hospitality booth went silent and my sister gave me that look like "I no longer recognise you as a family member"

Addition by subtraction if you ask me

I would give you a stern look and say "not cool man" but as we were leaving I'd pull you aside and would tell you that was pretty funny

stop bragging that you have people to talk to.

oh this is all hypothetical

This only works with close friends or people who know you are an asshole. Truth is, if only works with comedians.

So you need to be Seinfeld for this to work

Mean humor has destroyed every relationship with a higher stock woman, but by god it keeps the floozies and damaged ones abound.

Nice women fail to appreciate a well timed "cunt" droppage.

Idk if people like me, when I was younger the boys at school would stick a broom handle up my ass and roll me down a hill. Does that mean they like me? I read in a book that of people put things in your ass then they like you

suuuure dey do

This is an exchange I had. Harmless, but I could feel the distance growing.

Her: I don't like chili. Me: Maybe you should put on a sweater tss. Her: Are you still listening to that garbage?

It was never the same.


Was watching Macy's thanksgiving day parade with my extended family a couple years back. There was a balloon for the diary of a whimpy kid and the announcers said it has become the best selling diary of all time.

I yelled "take that Anne Frank!" It actually went over surprisingly well. Maybe 6 chuckles out of over 20 people.


Not the funniest thing on earth, but I would have evil-chuckled for a good 30 seconds about it.

Well I think it's funnier cause it's gotta be a shoot you know? She had to have the record till wimpy kid came along.

that's kind of adorable though, I could see that getting a pass

It's not that bad because they can't tell your evil anti semetic, pro holocaust thoughts from the joke alone.

Right? I told my girl I wanted to rape her sister until her ass bled...Not even a chuckle!

I have a feeling that Asperger's runs rampant within this community

Yeah I'm sorry. I have bipolar II and I go off on tangents a lot