Should we tell them about this place?

0  2017-02-14 by Dannyprecise


My main man The Sock Cucka already did

No one should tell anyone about this place.

We are the reddit equivalent of Hannibal Lecter's cell block in The Silence of the Lambs.

Not one of you fuckers is as funny as multiple miggs

True. I do throw cum at a good amount of people throughout the week.

And I'm continuing to perfect my ability to smell women's cunts through their clothing!

That fucking asshole. I do think we'd make the average Joe who's head isn't in his ass laugh, but they might have to dig. Lots of jokes here that require 20 years deep knowledge of three has beens and the ins and outs of the NY comedy scene.

all new guests heed my warning .. No niggers allowed

They wouldn't get our YUMOR.

I'm not sure I get it either

I got banned from that subreddit for telling someone to kill themselves. Sensitive fucking faggots.

They got me for saying 'gook flute'

I think we'd make the average Joe who's head isn't in his ass laugh, but they might have to dig. Lots of jokes here that require 20 years deep knowledge of three degenerate has-beens and the ins and outs of the NY comedy scene.

About 90% of the subs posts are inside jokes.

No niggers allowed

Some of those other subs sound really, really funny, don't they?

They got me for saying 'gook flute'