Opie sneaks into Howard's area, films it and makes it public.

59  2017-02-14 by alternative_faps


hanging out with the greatest duo in radio history, Sherrod Small and Vic Henley

What a bad ass.

I'm sure Howard had that housekeeper killed for her screwup

"She'll be OK, she doesn't speak English!" - Opie

total piece of shit

At least the foreign cleaning ladies speak their native languages properly while this large breasted mongoloid fucks up pronunciation or trips over his own tongue any time he's trying to read something live on air.

When he says "I've been doing this since i was 18." he's probably referring to reading too.

ME: I like some melk to go with my vegtabullssszzzss...

I would guess they don't.

He's projecting on his own career.

Howard "Come into my coven and I'll send you to the oven" Stern

Coven doesn't rhyme with oven dumbo

Death by Sybian

He's absolutely consumed with envy to the point where he had to walk out and disengage his mind from the crushing smothering pain.

Howard should have him banished to a different floor.

What floor is OutQ?

Fucking scumbag Opie just got that cleaning lady and security gaurd fired.

Diversity can't be fired.

Bullshit! They'll just hire another woman who cant speak English.

If he has any honor, he'd rehire her as his 5th baby sitter

He is such a fucking cunt.

Top 3 worst humans alive. Opie is in his mid-50s and a married father of 2. Let that sink in....

Stop telling me to let things sink in. We're not all Bobo here.

you should never buy a submarine

I got summina let YOU sink into, cake boy. Let it sink in...

He really is trying to get out of his contract...

He's going to get Sherrod and Vic Henley banned from the building.

Everyone is a winner.

I'll be nicer to him if that happens.

i hope howard doesn't fire the maid. i do hope he fires opie, sherrod and vic

that would really suck if she gets in any shit. Some 50 year old cuck hanging onto any shred of relevancy puts your job at risk by making a gay video with your face in it.

i hope she googles Opie tonight, stumbles onto this subreddit and then becomes a prominent shitposter.

I hope she Andrea Yates' his children.

But they aren't his kids.

Opie tiene las tetas.

Bam Margera jodido Lynsi Hughes.

knickers will have half a dozen maid parody accounts by sunrise.

Hey! watch your language

ME: I gave her a bunch of money when the cameras went off, you fawkin haters don't know what you're talking about. *sniff*

I thought it was super shitty to not go to the security guy and explain and make sure she wasnt going to get fired or reprimanded. Scumbags shouldnt have to take advantage of a immigrant that cant speak english and just does what shes told.

He's completely obsessed with Howard, it's really odd.

Is it really that odd? This entire sub is obsessed with him, after all.

You got down voted but that's seriously fair

That's the way it is on this sub.

The comment "nigger" gets +43; a frank observation about reality gets -18. I've come to accept it.



Have you really, though?


Killer comment man, I'll take advice from you.

Someone made the observation before you and you repeated it. It's like repeating a joke.

Yeah...if there's anything this sub can't tolerate, it's repeating a joke.

"sniff tsss nigger vos tits" - every other comment

Opie is the kinda guy you love to hate

Opie is obsessed woth Howard, and Thid sub is obsessed with Opie. Whats that make you hah? Good? Juu not good, juu yus kbow how to hide... you need people like OPie, so you point juus fuckin fingas and say thas da bad guy

What can I say I got a junkie for a wife... Her womb is so polluted... I can't even have a fucking little baby with her!

Fly pelican, fly.

That's the best though.

Stern = Hetfield & Metallica

Opie = Mustaine & Megadeth

Both good for their day but beyond dated in 2017 and no more culturally relevant than the "Where's the beef" lady.

If Stern put out "Load", Opie would put out "Risk" a year later and act like he was the one who took a chance all the while pretending he isn't upset about Hetfield's rejection 30 years ago (even though it's the elephant in the room) while breaking into his tour bus for a Twitter video.

He's a teenager acting out for Daddy's love.

Megadeth put out their first good album in 15 years and won a grammy for it. Your point is gay and stupid.

Actually, Megadeth won Best Metal Performance for a song. Their album did not win a Grammy.

"Gay", "stupid" and you spelled Hammett wrong. Brilliant mate. Here's some rope. You know what to do.

Nice analogy, Florentine.

Well like those bands, these radio shows were last relevant in the late 90's. I think some of you guys forget that O&A peaked in popularity in around 2001. That was 16 years ago.

Shut the fuck up already.

Facts are fucked up, huh.

Your dad drugged your friends during sleepovers and licked their hairless assholes like someone trying to get the last bits of chocolate Pudding from a Jello snack container

Pointing out that O&A aren't a hit anymore. WHOOOAAAA look out! This guy is really putting everyone in their place with some truth bombs! We all got egg on our faces now, huh?


You still care about and listen to something that was popular when "Bodies" by Drowning Pool was big.

You actively discuss a radio show that existed when Bush was president as if it's humor is relevant today.

Could you reference more shitty metal bands in your posts so I know you're badass.

No one here likes O&A, retard. Look at the main page. We're here to make Opie cry on air & have Anthony accused of terrorism in foreign continents. Grow up, already.

Are you sure? Because you all seem to love and listen to all of it.

The more I read your posts, the more "quit while you're behind" comes to mind.

That's how you're spending your valentine's day? Reading my post history? Lol. Well, keep it up I guess. Sick burn btw.

Opie is more like the psychiatrist from the Metallica doc.

Opie claims Howard loses sleep over their beef but meanwhile Opie sneaks into The Howard Stern section of Sirius like some crazy groupie.

Opie's ratings are in the toilet. He's desperately hoping Howard will say something about him on air.

this'll start some shit!

i guess jason ellis isn't the only extreme one on the channel

He's gonna steal the new Aerosmith, maaaaaaaaaaaaahn!

This man is in his 50s for christs sake.

Watch out, world - this guy will do anything!

Dassabesso jussa sneakin an fuckin'

This reminded me of being a teenager and thinking we were cool for sneaking into construction sites or abandoned buildings. What an utter fucking man child faggot. Has that been said here yet?

As childish as this Opie is for this, Sherrod is still a pussy for being a scared bitch.

Sherrod looked exactly like a 12 year old would act when being caught somewhere they shouldn't be

Even had the bookbag.


I'm pretty sure Opie has done just this and bragged about it, right before the O&A show ended.

"We can't post the video online but man I saw some SHIT!"

It's not cool it's fun.

Because construction sites and abandoned buildings were places of your career rivals whom you envied and resented for decades. Great analogy!

Do we have a sex bagel spotting @ 1:25?

Three old dorks.

Best way I could summarize this video

He was just looking for his office.

Opie's a fucking howard obsessed weirdo. Fucking Jim Norton would watch this and say "Eww"

Norton would do the same thing but for Stern's autograph.

He probably got that cleaning lady fired

What a pussy for not going further. What, are they going to fire him? He's Opie they can't do th..... Oh wait

Opie is reaching here. What crap.

LMAO @ The 3 most talentless hacks in the building walking the halls like they are the 3 coolest and funniest guys in the place, like it's high school.

They acted like me when I hung out in the building after school and walked into random rooms, but I actually kissed a girl in one of those rooms during lunch. I was a bad ass.

Can you fucking imagine the jealousy? Howard has like a fucking wing of the building with two prominent channels that have been the same for a decade and Opies in a studio the size of Sterns bathroom, in afternoon, on a channel that doesn't have his name.

they even took away his office

They asked him why he needs an office and Opie had no answer.

"We have 10 years of audio with you bragging about not ever doing show prep."

Confiscate his chair!

Two prominent channels? Are you serious? Id say he has at most 1/2 a relevant channel. Howard101 hasnt been "prominent" since it launched and the main channel is just replays of the bi-weekly part time soccer mom friendly pandering garbage that wigged fraud does. All that said I completely agree that Tit's is insanely jealous of that closeted wigged hack and his horse faced transgendered beard....I mean wife.

I don't know the state of its importance. I just meant like...they've always been the same, and its two channels that are very easy to remember and are at a place most people would stop by when they get SiriusXM. Like people who aren't even interested in Howie would buy a radio and be like "Hey, I wonder whats on channel 100."

Also, Sterns channels are the same on both platforms. No 103/206 shit.

I don't even want to watch this bc I'm sure it's douchy, as he does

It's kind of worth it just to see what the SiriusXM floor looks like.

This is how pathetic Opie is. He knows that not many people listen to Opie Radio (well in his head a lot of people do) and he has to sneak into Howard's studio to get more people to hear & notice him


vic seems like a nice guy which sucks cause i want to hate him

I'm suspicious of people that are that nice.

The black man is the most law-abiding.

Good thing she wasn't holding a cake

I know I am in the cleaning lady on this but I enjoy when Tit's does little things like this to incense and enrage Wiggy. I'd bet a lot of money that there will be retina scanners or some other high tech security to get into Wiggy's compound now.

CSK did not look happy at the end of that.

CSK knows he's gonna have building security waaaaaaaaaay up his ass for this. His fucking job is security, and his "boss" just violated it pretty fucking seriously. (Okay, it's howard, it's not like a bank, but they'll treat it that seriously.)

CSK my be regretting not staying Team Jim tomorrow.

They're still not going to fire you, faggot. You're going to have to serve out the remainder of your contract in the hallway.

I'd laugh my ass off is some Howard stalker uses this to get past security, and knows exactly what door to go to (not that it's hard to spot), and how to get past it.

If I were in management or security at Sirius, I'd be demanding he be fired and banned from the building for this. I bet Howard already has.

Of course Sherrod and Vic were both in again. The triumvirate of dog shit teams up yet another time.

You couldn't make worse radio if you tried.

Is this like suicide by cop, giving them the reason to fire him cause he wants it anyway but is too weak to pull the trigger himself? No clever comment necessary on how pathetic this is. Only reiterates the mistake Anthony is making by associating with this albatross again.

and Christ, it's like a Pharaoh's tomb in there. Takes up half the square footage of the fucking floor.

Honestly, that was awesome. You guys are gay.

he's like a little kid sneaking into his friends sisters room to sniff panties with his retarted pals.

I want to believe the guy with the dreads who got in the elevator was Vic's black lover and the fat white woman is one of Sherrod's baby mamas.

I found that entertaining. Fuck Stern.

he turns around before exchanging a single word. what a prankster

someone needs to dub this over the video clip

This guy is so desperate for attention it's incomprehensible.

Can't wait for the next t-shirt:

I snuck into Hoo-Hoo's studio and all I got was an ass-reaming by Scott G and a demotion to 12am.

Whoa! we snuck into the bosses office and stole tickets to Van Halen in concert.. Waddle doodle!!

people should tweet this to howard so opie gets fired,he would not be happy about this. he also says that woman doesnt speak english. SOMEONE SAVE THIS

Notice how Vic and Sherrod are talking and not involving Opie whatsoever in the conversation.. 3rd wheel status confirmed.

Howard is almost like Howard Hughes.

What he says is innocent goofing around, to Howard's over inflated ego is an affront. Lets see, he kept bothering Howie in the mornings until the halls had to be cleared every day for Howie's walk through, then Opie yells good morning through the door while filming it, now Opie sneaks into Howie's section of the building, filming it. To Howie this will feel like stalking and I am sure he has bitched to management about it. The Opster prob wont even get an offer in October, if he makes it that far.

It's kind of worth it just to see what the SiriusXM floor looks like.

this'll start some shit!