I'm a Bud Lite Alcoholic. It cost me my career and almost my freedom. I still can't stop.

0  2017-02-13 by [deleted]



Keep comin back

Are you trying to 13th Step him, you rascal? ;)



What's Bud Lite? Is that similar to Bud Light or Miller Lite?

the beer we done got drank pretty good

I don't know. I'm really fucked up right now. NIGGER.


We still love you Ant

Wimp. When I was drinking, it was only bourbon or vodka for me.

Living on the edge like 80s Jim Norton with his Bartles &Jaymes.

also, once i had a few too many and sprayed toxic chemicals on and then beat a retarded man.

Dang man why'd ya do that?

As I said, Bug Light.

The great thing about reddit is since I have no way of knowing who you are, I can ignore the strong urge to take a shit on your face and then have you jailed.

I bought a 12 pack of Bud light for the Super Bowl. I don't know how anyone gets drunk off that shit.

Drink 8 really fast and dont eat anything. Works everytime

Does your boyfriend drink the other 4?

I'm 41, not some college kid in a frat house basement. Beer is a shitty way to get drunk, anyways. I only drink beers on the beach on the weekends to maintain sobriety. Vodka, my friend.

Vodka is tasteless crap. Most expensive vodkas are indistinguishable from cheap vodka. Whiskey is a quality product. I'd rather drink cheap whiskey than any vodka.

I feel you, my brother. Once I tasted the cold-brewed nectar of the Rockies, well... Let's just say I miss my wife is all.


Do you date family members?

Tastes Great!!!

Less Filling !!!

what a loser you are. get it over quicker maybe? buy some rope or a gun.


The great thing about reddit is since I have no way of knowing who you are, I can ignore the strong urge to take a shit on your face and then have you jailed.