5'4" reject He-man doll Joe Rogan finally admits to pumping himself full of steroids and synthetic testosterone. Also worth a mention - his wife has to eat pot every night to get to sleep.

9  2017-02-13 by McGowan9


Don't be comin around here without no time stamp, nigga.

Look below, spic.

Your Jewish tricks won't get passed me.


I'm a total wasp but wish I was at least part Jew. Got my own company and 2 properties. Jewish? I'd be a fucking multi-millionaire. Your username checks out, you dumb fuck. Make nice with the Jews, you sandwich artist.

exactly where is the god damn fucking timestamp

55:10 for the steroid confession. 37:45 for his sexually unsatisfied wife knocking herself out.

potheads like pot, and big dudes take steroids. what's the problem here?

Pot helps you fall asleep, I don't see the problem here you nitpicky whore

This title is inaccurate, Joe is 5'2


Joe Rogan is shorter than the average adult male.

Once the pot tolerance builds she is gonna hop on the old fentanyl and Xanax cocktail like so many Beard's before her.

Let's just hope that she doesn't also try to swallow a pillow attached to her husbands hands. I've heard that has been going around the scene.

Did you hear about Patton Oswalt's wife? So tragic.

I'm not one to gossip, but I heard he drugged and murdered her.

Has he denied it?


He's been pretty open about use of human growth hormone in the past. If someone is using HGH for athletic performance/recovery, it's just assumed that they also use - or at least have used - testosterone.

Inject - Human growth hormones - Into my body.

I'm going to meet with Dan Rathers of 60 minutes and we'll - inject drugs - into my body

Didn't he get preachy about clean living when Artie was on his show?

Pot brownies and a mild steroid cycle vs eating like a trucker and doing heroin (never with a needle though so it's not that bad)

This is new and exciting

Exactly. OP probably doesn't listen to Joe regularly, if he thought this was breaking news. Joe has been openly pro steroids for years now.

He's been "admitting" to PEDs for several years

PEDs only have a stigma because they're illegal in sports. Nothing wrong with them.

PEDs is that the new name for the Cumia brothers?

yeh or PEDOs right

I've never taken steroids or TRT, but I plan to when I get old and my testosterone drops and my dick gets soft and my muscles wither away.

Why do so many people cry about it like faggots? "Boo hoo I would never take that stuff, being too physically strong and masculine is weird and means you have a small dick!" As if having big muscles, increased aggression and competitiveness and a higher sex drive is somehow a bad thing.

We just live in a very pussofied, sad culture where men are brainwashed to self-police their own masculinity.

Speaking of pussified and weak, another muscle it enlarges is your heart. Good luck with that.

That is disputed, that has not been confirmed and is by no means consensus. Besides, are you implying that the disparaging tone in the thread title is directed at Joe's lack of health, rather than "boohoo steroid users are insecure meatheads"?

He's a podcast host and a fight announcer with a prescription for testosterone and HGH. Not a big deal.

I support HGH. Don't know why people don't want others to heal faster.

He should add an asterisk after every claim he makes about onnit products. Isn't this guy all in with honesty?

tss eat pot y not a pan... tssussss..

oh leave Joe alone ffs.

Look below, spic.

exactly where is the god damn fucking timestamp