Was Jim on meth this morning?

5  2017-02-13 by [deleted]



meth, what did did he calculate some humah or sumptin?


Yeah, Sam sprinkled some on his chair LOL

Holy SHIT. Did you just type out that you were laughing at your own terrible joke???

You need to change the "p" in your username to a "g"

Werd play humah

peesa g

Lmao fagworld

Are you saying Jim does the show naked and absorbed the meth through his asshole

ya blew it

This is cripplingly embarrassing.

Dude Jim has worked the program and been sober since he had that bottle of St. Ides Special Brew when he was 12.

If Jim relapsed, we would never hear the end of it.

I wish he would at least smoke some weed

No he just sucks at being interesting on the radio. He can only do quips, with nervous energy.

No, rumors are he takes adderal for ADHD.

I would definitely believe that, he was speedy as shit and all over the place with his thoughts

I thought he had AHBD?

Adorable Huggable Boy Disorder is a curse

He's cured.

It's the only thing that would explain his edging obsession. I really don't understand how someone can jerk off for longer than 15 minutes without amphetamine.

Meth? No. Used to be funny, now terrible radio host and even worst stand up comic James Norton is in recovery. He stole the $60k for hookers sir

Today's show was abysmal. I don't know what was going on, Jim sounded like a guy they grabbed out of shipping/receiving in the building lobby and said "hey, come host a radio show." That fucking black guy comic stunk, he didn't even have the mic adjusted yet and went into "black people different than white people, cause-" I jumped ahead in the timeline and literally every single time I stopped it, it was some kind of racial talk. No FUCKING thank you.

Judd Apatow I couldn't give a shit about anything that guy says, and it looks like he & Artie were only on the last 15 minutes. Bogus show, bra.

He OD'd on children's sudafed