Did these fags just get cut off during artie/judd interview?

31  2017-02-13 by deanthecleanmachine

with no sexy warning alarm?


Hahaha, I wonder how long the interview went before they noticed they were off the air.

well, now we know what jim is going to start with tomorrow. Cant wait to year how long he emphasizes FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHCKING

Why do you think Jim started plugging so meticulously at the end of the show? He knew it was coming. this subreddit is the biggest group of windges throwing tantrums over something that has passed. I came here for the photoshops, and I'm gonna leave because of the middle schoolers bitching themselves into circles. SAD!

You must not have listened and beat it faggot. Go photoshop a woman into your mom's spot.

"Go photoshop a woman into your mom's spot." Read that out loud, stupid.

That "SAD!" makes me wonder if youre actaully a fucking faggot.. I mean Opie

Why the fuck don't they just keep going and include it to the on demand?

Thats what they are doing. It's just it went off air with no warning.

But why not do this every day? Just finish when you're done rather than a hard out.

Jim says they have no choice on the hard out. Show times have to change to avoid the cut-off.

Instead of shoving Ellis down the rest of the countries throat, why doesn't management allow Jim and Sam to go over and let the faggots on the west coast hear them for a few minutes. I'm sure any Ellis fan is already in the mood for trannys and fighting. That is how corporate synergy works. You mesh things together so the least amount of people are pissed off at things changing. If it wasn't for scamming every new car owner into subscribing this company would have gone bust years ago. Fucking incompetents.

Did you really use the term "corporate synergy"?

Corporate sinergy Dvvvv Dvvvv

I know, right? Fucking gross. That's a nice term from someone who doesn't know the difference between plural and possessive.


The switchover on the equipment is probably automated. The feed from the studio to the main satellite feed has to be changed.


Having to switch at all is gay. Having to switch to a cock sucking Kangaroo nigger is extra gay.

Exxxxtremely gay.

You know why?

Cuz management loves the new fawkin direction of the show!



It's ok if you are, buddy. There's no hate here!

Thx bby

theres nothing but hate here

And that's just how we like it!

The direction is downwards

"shoving ellis down the rest of the countries throat" pump the brakes jeramiah johnson he's on once a day.


Meh, I'll just listen to this week's "You Made it Weird" with Artie and Judd, instead.

How can you listen to Pete Holmes. God is that guy a fucking bore. I was so out of shit to listen to this weekend and had so much driving to do, I tried to listen to Pete on Rogan's show, I barely got 15 mins in. I can't do it.

Idk, I don't listen to all of his guests on his podcast, but there are some great guests on it, too. Bo Burnham was interesting both times he was on, and the Joe List episode was great.

Yes, 10 min early too. I'm not sure what is on right after J&S, but if there is nothing at 11:00 then they should be able to go later if they want. If it's Ellis, push him to noon - tranny loving 50 year old skaters aren't up at 11 anyway. Besides Troy

I hope Jason Ellis gets eaten by a crocodile. I'm sick of the faggot. It seems every time I turn to "faction" he's on. Then a decently funny show with Artie Lang gets cut off because the new Aussie faggot king of Sirius has to be on. Fuck him.

Is he still on the regular Faction station too?

Faction talk I meant to say.

I hope he gets raped by Chinese Triads for abusing dragons in his day-to-day speech.

More like they allowed themselves to get cut off during the interview.

I'm quite sure they purposefully skipped the sexy warning alarm and silenced the show's extro so as not to offend and/or rush the esteemed guests. They weren't about to give them a reason to leave by saying they were off the air when they know it can indeed be On-Demanded later.

The fact it gives them a chance to whine about management's totally unfair treatment is just a delicious bonus to them.

Meanwhile, management is actually very pleased if it prompts fans to pay an extra $4 a month to get the "full" show On Demand.

Jokes on them, I dont pay shit for it

Who gives a shit? Judd is a faggot and I'd rather hear Artie on his podcast

Oh and Jim and Sam fucking stink

Jokes on them, I dont pay shit for it