You guys like any other part of reddit?

21  2017-02-13 by Osca_rg


The majority of Reddit is like this. Nonsensical, safe-space, naive, politically correct horse shit.

Because every chick just wants you to ask her about what she likes before you do it.. No girl ever just wanted you to push her face into a pillow or pull her hair without asking. Yeah, sounds right. I'm sure everyone played a fucking gameshow with their girlfriend before they tried anything.

Yuck. These people are gross.

You sound equally retarded.

Thanks for elaborating, genius.

My pleasure.

If you took this advice, you shouldn't be surprised when girls pull the fade on you. This is basically "how to make girls not respect you" for the completely socially retarded.

Can I put my fist in your mouth. Yes. Can I punch the back of your head? Yes. Can i put the speculum in your pussy? Yes. Can I dilate it? Yes? Can I use the surgical rake to scrape the wall of your cervix? Yes. Can I smear your vaginal mucosa and cervical cell walls on this plate. Yes YES!

that's really disturbing but now i'm rock hard and I don't know why

Surgical rake...

That retarded advice made me think of that stupid video as well.

This is literally the majority of girls I've hooked up with. And the few Millennials I've hooked up with all wanted to be dominated in some way. I usually gently put my hand on their neck and then they take it and start squeezing it from there all bets are off.

Can i kiss you here, okay, now can I pull your shirt off, okay now can i kiss your breast, okay, is it okay if I take your underwear off, okay now is it okay if I put my mouth on your big fat pecka.

I mean we're fags here but I don't think any of you fuckers has a coloring book.

Unless Colin's here.

"Safe Spaces" are a great way to control people's minds.

For instance, I've noticed that my friends who lean hard to the left really and truly believe that the world might end at any minute now.

I'm not exaggerating here; they legitimately think that Trump might just lob some nukes and start World War III.

To me, this is really bizarre; I couldn't imagine that mindset.

But these same people live in a 24x7 bubble, these particular friends are the ones who get their news from Comedy Central and SNL. These are the type of people who've deleted all of their friends who don't share the same political viewpoint. In fact, they would've deleted me a long time ago, but I've kept my opinions quiet.


Uncle Paul's alt

Couldn't help but go "suuuure" after that first sentence.

I don't agree with that. Seriously do feminists not realize that women have 98% control over sex?

lol wut? more like I initiate sex 98% of the time and she says no 2% of the time. What kinda shitass relationships are you fuckers getting in?


so what I understand from this statement is that 2% of the time you have to brush up on your right hook.

nah i need to fucking stab you in the heart

can I at least rape your girlfriend a few times before you stab me tough guy

no im gonna help vlad subvert ur country further because u fucking want it. u wont take control of ur stupid cunt women and if i stab u ur black pets and women will thank me for killing a fucking white male

Can you translate that gibberish to English you fucking dumb ape.

ur gonna die you faggot

Why, are you going to give me your HIV?

im gonna let putin and trudeau and trump fuck you and your whole family and not do anything about it because i hate you

Cool bro, you're a real tough bad ass mother fucker.

Well my girls boyfriend is only out of town 2% of the time.

I might check out the boxing, cricket and nsfw_gif one every few days . I sometimes browse the frontpage

cricket? wtf why?

Because i like it? World's second biggest sport.

To use your lingo, isn't that for posh wankers?

Nah. There is absolutely a posh element to it but it's not just a posh cunts sport. Stronghold of the game is really in Yorkshire which is hardly traditionally posh. Is played more seriously in posh schools though so some players in england do tend to be posh. But then its played in the dusty side streets of india so hard to say it's posh there.

Say posh one more time.

I fancy Posh and Becks.

tsss yeah i like posh and Budweiser or sumpthin

Tsss I love fawkin booze yuma. Let's get fawkin zooted.

Oh I'm there. I'm on the bourbon.


Tsss what about Bill Bourbon.


I'm jus chippin ya babe

When u/ihaveaholeinmyass mentioned rugby over the weekend, you were goofing on it. Im just curious culturally, is rugby considered more high falootin than cricket in the UK?

Cricket has a mix. Rugby Union doesn't. Rugby league is different and isnt posh but that's literally only cared about by people in a small area of the country

Ah, ok. What part of England is most enamored with it?

North west. Its so localised that it's identified by the road that links most places its played

As usual, u/dennyislife is talking out of his arse... rugby is only played by 'posh' boys/toffs in England... cuz England has a lot of stuck up rich wankers... no other country in the entire world considers rugby a posh boy sport...

is it fuck. It's only working class in Wales because Wales doesn't have anything else going for it. Even those argies who crashed their plane and had to eat each other were well off.



Didn't English right split back in the days? Like there was one side who played professionally for money, and another who were rich cunts who played for fun and looked down on the pros

"dusty side streets"...look at the fancy words of mr. liberal media elite

I remember Jim Jeffries tried to explain it. I was admittedly lost.

It's cuck baseball.

World's second biggest sport.

played non-ironically in what ..... five countries (?)

About 9 at a high level then loads at low levels. Bit like American sports

About 9 at a high level then loads at low levels. Bit like American sports

yeah exactly my point, minus basketball

thing with american team sports it's only really played at a top level in america ( i'm guessing Japanese baseball isn't good?) where as most global team sports there's more of a depth to talent and fan interest.

no the point was that - only soccer (football) and basketball are global sports - all other sports are seriously played only in few countries.

hockey is somewhere in the middle but I do not really know.

How is basketball global? Literally no cunt in the world cares about basketball except for Americans (and BLACK ones at that!)

Great Britain, India, Pakistan, and what, fucking Brazil or some other shithole?

Cricket is Poo in the Loo territory.

Australia and white south Africa

Poo in the loo mate!

Third world's second biggest sport.

They say by the middle of this century India will be a bigger economy than the US not to mention China. Enjoy it while it lasts as being a former great isn't the best. Trust me on this one.


First world economy where everyone shits on the street for no reason. yeah.

By GDP it's already 7th. It's a properly fucked up place. Has people driving sports cars past beggers crawling in the street with no legs and cows walking in the streets. I had a wonderful time.

You're by far the user I upvote the most in all of reddit [+25 votes], but since you're a brit my opinion of you has diminished considerably. No offense.

If it helps i don't give a care.

I am a British too.

Oooooh look at me arse and me teef all yella like the butter i have on me crumpets and in me tea and scones and iron bru

I read this in a Northern accent, because it seems like something a dumb person would say.

your wanker you tosser cunt

Do you enjoy the comedy of Kevin Bridges?

Upvoted because it was funny and made the other guy look like a fucking mook.

Explain why you upvoted more you faggot.

Dude...I get it. I made a comment that triggered you. Can you stop following me around now?

The fucking regulars on this sub are worse than any SJW faggot I've ever encountered on reddit. Thin-skinned and with zero else to do.

didn't follow you around, you made a comment about a comment opened your history real fast and saw how you were explaining how you had upvoted and downvoted. Who cares you why you upvoted something you creep.

opened your history real fast

Right, followed me around.

Clearly your username is about as clever as you get, should probably fuck off.

Do you think America is going to psychologically handle being a second-rate nation with grace, introspection and humility?

Sure. It seems to take political earthquakes in its stride.

i like all those r/cringe r/thathapened r/im14andthisisdeep r/justneckbeardthings /iamverysmart subreddits.

Those are basically teenage girls going "as if!"

no. Its just people on the internet making fun of other people on the internet

Username checks out

r/tumblrinaction is another good one in that style\

r/howardstern r/unresolvedmysteries r/tulpas r/MomorDaughter r/r/whatsthisbug r/missing411 r/energywork

r/downblouse r/ghostnipples r/celebsnsfw r/flashing

Here's a sneak peek of /r/downblouse [NSFW] using the top posts of the year!

#1: Another one of those stunning sideboob shots | 4 comments
#2: Checking her phone | 10 comments
#3: At shop | 25 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Youre a mess

Tulpas? Never heard of it but sounds pretty queer to me.

it's freaking strange as hell

It's imaginary friends. So yeah, queer.

lol missing 411. i got into that shit for a hot second

Bigfoot is an alien and he's stealing people from our national forests!

goddamn right. he lures people into the woods, neatly folds their clothes and then takes them to another dimension! or mountain lions eat people from time to time.

Watch how quick you'll lose a girl by treating sex like this.

People love saying stupid shit like this to pander to the narrative. The chick that repeats this bullshit online is the same girl that wants to be shoved against a wall and domination-fucked.

I love pissing people off in /r/politics though I am currently in the middle of a one week ban because I told another person that "I'm sure you're used to failure" and apparently that's uncivil.

i got perma-banned on /r/worldnews my first. I honestly can't even point out the post that did it because i want even trying to be hostile or troll. for once.

The left cannot take even the slightest form of criticism.

Oh relax with the overly political shit.

There are people on both sides who will seek to shout down any opposition.

Ok. Outside of The_Donald. What are the "conservative" subreddits?

This question is only relevant if the only political discussion in the world occurs on reddit.

I'm aware of a chat group on Facebook which serves as a pro-Trump echo chamber, nobody on there can sustain thoughtful discussion, it's all "memes" telling anyone who disagrees how stupid they are.

This kind of shit is all over if you know who to talk to. Just because you didn't find it on Reddit doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I'm pretty sure everyone here understands that. I think the point you're missing is that Reddit is gigantic with millions of users. I would be interested to see a conservative Echo chamber as big as readit.

Think of demographics.

Isn't it more likely for younger people to lean liberal and older folks to go conservative?

Now think of reddit users. Could it be that its userbase is disproportionately young when compared to the population?

So you're more likely to find liberals on reddit because those are the likely demographics

The more intolerant conservatives aren't whining on reddit, they're yelling at Fox News on their TV about illegals and Muslims.

That might be true I suppose time will tell. But I still think you're missing the point that reddit has millions of extreme lefty's. Thinking back to when I was in my early twenties a teenager I wasn't concerned with socialism, safe spaces, or asking for permission to stick my dick in something. The vast majority of older responsible adults are not extreme to either side. But like you said time will probably dull these idiots down once they actually get some responsibilities other than trying to pull an A in there women's studies class.

Now think of reddit users. Could it be that its userbase is disproportionately young when compared to the population?

So you're more likely to find liberals on reddit because those are the likely demographics

Meanwhile Gen Z is the most conservative generation since fucking World War 2. Your assumption doesn't really hold up.

Well, what are you going to do. This isn't my dissertation.

My original point is that the guy I first responded to was being an over-politicizing fag, and I stand by it.

There really isn't. Liberals around here have had to resort to this meme because they don't have an argument.

Heh, okay snowflake.

I think critically, that's why I arrived here. I used to be a liberal like you, dingus.

It must be an exhausting job to mod Politics.

They give you time outs instead of just banning you? Ugh they can't even be men about their faggotry.

Reddit has taught me that being mediocre at virtually anything will be perceived as well above average by most people.

only if you have a college aged website to promote it

I mean...real life teaches that.

But not all at once.

What the fuck is "Invalidation"?

Beats me

I try to stay out of any polarizing subs that are dominated by politics or social justice. People get upset too quickly and most of the subs have such loose rules as to not upset the overall tone of the sub. I was banned from a sub for the first time the other day because I just posted my pretty neutral opinion on the Donald. It was deemed 'concern trolling' which just seems like the most batshit insane concept ever.

I try to stick with subs that are focused on my hobbies and general interest rather than the ones that are just memes or trying to push their agenda.

Was it the_donald? Anything less than adulation of Trump is often met with a permaban.

Yeah it is the strangest thing ever. They desperately push everything to the top of r/all then act like they are being attacked when others post in the sub.

Because otherwise it would be filled with people that hate Trump like literally every subreddit on this goddamn site? Why do they, a pro-trump subreddit have to let anti-trump people speak, when they have every single other "neutral" forum on this site. Should porn subs allow anti porn christian retards to post?

Because you can only post shit on the Donald if you say "I'm a liberal but I totally agree with you guys" or display your bare asshole for trump.

oh my favorite is any place with lots of pun jokes in the comments, and people repeating lines from movies everyone has seen and enjoyed :)

The worst is the reply threads just reciting the lyrics to Eminem's "Lose Yourself." You find this hacky horseshit everywhere on reddit.

Mom's spaghetti


Mom's spa-peggy.

But there's vomit on his sweater already!

mom's spaghetti

Weak arms are heavy.


if you spend a month or so reading other reddits with any frequency (i have depression fyi) then you'll start to be able to accurately predict the top comment of most posts. there's really specific prescribed ways of communicating and being "clever" on this site

The sad thing is I know exactly what you're talking about but forgot about it for like 2 years. That's how bad reddit is, it ran me off for 2 years and I forgot about that shit.

so much faggotry on reddit. "i did nazi that coming" "i broke my left arm and can't masturbate" "THIS" "queer, trans black Navajo here"

people repeating lines from movies & TV everyone has seen and enjoyed

That's the worst!!! Most of the comments outside of this sub come from real human garbage without any original thoughts in their stupid, banal skulls. They should all fall in a puddle of AIDS.

Die, get in the coffin.

ya hurd wha' I said????



Feel free to fuck off and find another website to hold your hate meetings if this one is too tame for your liking.

The rest of the people outside this sub are mostly normal everyday people who don't think abortion blood is a hysterical beverage. Ever thing you're the problem? No, probably not eh?

No, they are the problem

You do realize that you and many here are exactly this:

You're right, the rest of reddit are children.

You really feel you are the comedy elite don't you.

Kill yourself.


Fake edgy faggot. You're worse than the soft thinned skinned losers outside this sub.

Actually what you're doing is fake edge. But I guess you can't see that.

I actually am a piece of shit. You fake it for internet points.

Yeah, you're the real deal, he is just a poser!

Look, I can't help who I am.

What? Who the fuck is that?

Just when you think people in here can't get stupider.

First of all, I agree with most of what you were saying in this thread, asshole.

Second of all, fuck you, asshole.

This is bait.


Weak trolling attempt faggot.

Even the Reddit for things that I like are full of faggots and have a retardedly long list of rules in the sidebar

I honestly don't know why you guys use this/it hasn't been banned along with fat people hate and coon town. But look at me postin here like one of those peckers you always talk about

Reddit is also essentially "babys first internet forum"


Yeah, the rest of reddit is a place where the truth is denied

what a faggot

I hate to sound like a 'homo', but shes not wrong.

Don't worry, having no intimate experience with women doesn't make you a homo.

What about my glittered butt-less chaps?

my favorite is a picture of lets say a rack of camo coats and then the title is "just a pic of a empty rack" lol. cuz its camo. gets me everytime.

No. Reddit is a delusional cesspool. I'm quite surprised that this subreddit is allowed to exist.

i mostly hang out at r/aidscanbfun

Is not removing a comment "invalidating" that comment? Isn't that not permitted?

I think I've caught the matrix in a feedback loop, prepare for self destruction.

Very niche porn genres mostly

I got banned from /r/videos for encouraging pedos to kill themselves.

they were born that way you racist pedophobe.

Apparently it's "hebephilia" which is latin for "it's ok for me to fuck children"

Oh, I thought hebephilia meant that you were attracted to jews

it definitely doesn't have philia in it you fucking airhead.

I got banned from twochromosomes because some heffer was bragging how her grandmother was a hero for having over 20 abortions. All I said was she sounds like a slut to me, not a hero.

Then I get banned. I don't get it.

When I first started on reddit I thought maybe I was just being too harsh but eventually I started getting banned from front page subs for absolutely nothing, sometimes just questioning the logic of a post and not just mindlessly clapping for it. These admins run this shit like a commune.

Yes, I enjoy cliches and repetitive jokes en mass.

One of the weirdest ones to me is the Howard Stern subreddit, which is how I found here.

That place doesn't ballbust like us - sure, they complain about there show like we complain about Ant's, Opie's, and Yimmy's, but they have this weird collective of users that go out of their way to find people who criticize Howard, bag on his wife's looks, or give a negative opinion on the current tone of the show. These are people WHITE-KNIGHTING MILLIONAIRES who'd never even look at them.

We're a much more wholesome group of peckas over here, I think.

These are people WHITE-KNIGHTING MILLIONAIRES who'd never even look at them.

People do that on this sub all the time. One comic becomes persona non grata, while another suddenly becomes "a genius"...and then it will randomly switch back and forth.

What a good laugh check out r/twoxchromosomes

You guys like any other part of reddit?


If you can't appreciate when the feels on the bus go round and round, I don't know what to tell you

Im banned from both /r/israel and /r/islam

Protip: go to /r/islam after every terrorist attack for some fun.

They say by the middle of this century India will be a bigger economy than the US not to mention China. Enjoy it while it lasts as being a former great isn't the best. Trust me on this one.

i got perma-banned on /r/worldnews my first. I honestly can't even point out the post that did it because i want even trying to be hostile or troll. for once.

It must be an exhausting job to mod Politics.

that's really disturbing but now i'm rock hard and I don't know why

Bigfoot is an alien and he's stealing people from our national forests!

They give you time outs instead of just banning you? Ugh they can't even be men about their faggotry.

Surgical rake...