Huh. I always thought it WAS a choice

11  2017-02-13 by Dennyislife


It can be a choice, my mother gave me triple the vaccines because in the early 90's it was very debonair to have a child with autism.

When my mother would have wine parties her friends would say "my son has started reading and he just started preschool" and my mother would proudly exclaim "well my son stared at a train for 4 hours while he pissed his pants and screeched" to the amazement of all the women.

...and now you're here. Life really does go full circle.

Bobo should run for public office.

Couldn't be any worse than DRUMPF, am I right fellas.

"I'm Bobo and I want to represent you not the elite ruling class. Everybody is so sick of these establishment puppets and it's time to cut the strings awlroight! Does anyone have a juice box?" paid for by nana's unguarded purse

So Bobo you want to make flushing queens great again?

Yeah d..dats right

And your running mate Mr maloonagains believes electric dog collars will cure homosexuality in dogs

Yeah dats right, he's a sccchnoodle

You're lying about your tax returns mister Kurlan!

he's not loying

there's two types of autistics, you got the quirky big bang theory "do you want to hear some facts about the red-wing black bird?" and then you have the freakshow "I wake up at 6:47 every morning, edge until 7:31 then drink my cumshot"

Sad that Bobo gets more likes than Opie on some tweets.

well, he's a better person

...and now you're here. Life really does go full circle.