Opie's new bit "The week in yeah" haha he says "yeah" :)

22  2017-02-13 by Mrfinley


This man is delusional.

That's the bit

maybe we underestimated the opester!

I see that he's learned that raising your arms above your head is the best way to flatten your tits out so that they are less apparent. I was fat at the pool as a child.

Be honest you were fat everywhere as a kid, not just at the pool

Are the people that post Opie stuff closeted fans or do you guys just hate watch this shit?

i think its part fascination

he talked all that shit all those years, and this is what he's doing? you neglect to mention our feedback is essentially his only feedback. he's finished

He was a fat titted barnacle on the ship he claimed to steer all these years. A yelling, stupid vestigial organ that somehow remained inside of a show that morphed from being IT'S HONK HONK TUESDAY to a rat pack of angry New York comics talking shit.

If you go back and listen to the shows he was happiest in, those are the shittiest shows. He wanted the show to be hacky nonsense and when it was great and he (obviously) wasn't involved LET'S GO TO JEFF FROM NORTH CAROLINA JEFF.

Ant got fired for a tweet, this guy has been publicly exposed and humiliated in the past few months, to a degree that even Gregg Hughes, with his fucking delusional brain, is fucking irrelevant and was never the part of the show that anybody fucking liked.

He's like a sociopath who can't feel any emotions or empathy so he just mimics the behavior of the people who surround him because he has no idea how human beings are supposed to act in any given situation.

ME: That's the bit. SNIFF

Huh... I read essentially this same post in another thread earlier. It was worded much better though. 3 hour difference. Weird.

Your use of ellipsis and full stops makes you sound like a pondering douche.

Well fuck me running. Mission accomplished then, lamb chop. Wanna fuck?

Hardest I've cringed in weeks...

I'm stable now, but that Good Times part was hard to come back from.

I couldn't make it past 0:01.

It's so weird that of all the things there are to hate in the world, Opie's consistently at the tippy top of my list.

why give fodder to the haters? This stinks

his own retweeters are turning on him

A real pioneer and comedic genius

what the fuck was that.

he didnt know the song

I would be happy to see footage of a man entering that studio and shooting the 3 of them in non vital areas so they can spend the entire show moaning in pain as they bleed out and say things like "i love you guys!" as their last words. Of course I would have to off myself after watching it because I would never see anything that funny ever again and wouldnt have a reason to live.

Just hearing it would be good, knowing that nobody listens to the show, it could take days before anyone noticed he was dead.

He makes it so easy to hate him.

This is the essentially the last remnants of the show that I was a diehard, listen to every episode in full for YEARS and LOVE IT fan...

I am depressed.

Do what I did, listen to every Patrice O'Neal appearance. There's 140+ so it will take a while. The weird part is hearing Patrice say his age, like "hey, man, I'm 37 and", all I can think is, 4 years to go.

This gives proud boys a run for its money

The only lyric Opie knew was "Good Tiiiiimes". Then he covers his mouth and moved away from the mic, like "this is HILARIOUS! The CHEMISTRY! I'm gonna sit back and just let the magic happen"

Sherrod's tongue is desperate to leave that fat head.

Later in the show he referred to Princeton as being in the "ivory league"

This is why there is still racism

Wtf is he doing with his hands

I'm watching this on mute, I refuse to hear it.

I got to 3 seconds, but only because the pause button was lagging while I beat the hell out of it.

It's cool that he constantly confirms that he deserves everything we've said about him, and everything bad that's happened to him in the past few months.

so is sherod late every day?

I guarantee you Opie will be pitching Keith for a show the second Sirius gets rid of him. No more subscription for me if that shit happens.