Compound Transylvania

81  2017-02-13 by nerdbayne


More like come pound trannies



Come pound cumia

I vant to suck my niece's cunt. Mwah haha ha


How old is your daughter and can she take a punch? Mwah haha ha

Happy Valentines Day.

Ah! The children of the night - what sweet music they make! What? No, I'm not talking about wolves - I'm talking about the actual children screaming in the basement.

Ant is a real-life Universal classic monster.

Is Transylvania supposed to be a play on "media" because of the "ia"?

Take your talent and leave. There's no hope or exit here.

Finally decided to make a reddit acct after the Esther Coup. I wish I never found this place.

He stops counting at 13.

lmao dat's fawken GOOD

He has the same racial ancestry as Count Chocula

Nah, he looks like a gypsy to us Romanians, most Transylvanian are white people

Well atleast we know the girls are old enough to have their period

I feel like people are missing out on the biting reference. Vurry good artwork.

One...two...three assault and battery charges haa haa haaaaaa!



I don't see any pock marks

Elderly blackula's too infirm to chase down fully grown women