Joe Matarese VS. James Corden

6  2017-02-13 by Mrfinley


10 to 1, they start butt fucking at the end of 2017

but who's on top? you need to pick a side, sir.

Corden on bottom, definitely

I'm blocked

But he does karaoke in a car. He struck gold when Adele kicked ass with it, but now he keeps pathetically trying to recapture that viral moment because outside of those 10 minutes with Adele no one knows who the fuck he is.

Cordon is lame as all shit but he's still way funnier than Joe.

I don't know. Even a hack like Joe is more likable and entertaining than that worthless queer. I had no problem sitting through hours of Matarese trashings on Redbar, while I couldn't make it past 1 minute of any James Corden content.

Joe trying to start a feud with someone with more relevance but still an easy target. Good luck with that with 1 retweet tho.