Dear black people,

10  2017-02-12 by Geoffrey_Arnold




A salient point



Your demands are unrealistic. Be more reasonable.

we dindu nuffin.

wrong subreddit

Keep pumping out content like this and you'll have a show on TACS in no time.

Try to keep the nigger shit to a minimum. Thanks, keith the cop.

hmmm never thought of it like that

Don't recall that being the slogan of Black History Month, but seems like the updated it.

well... if you put it like that...

Perfectly reasonable advice, yet I'm sure some snowflake is going to claim it's "racist".

It is my nature, the scorpion said.

really showed all those black people roaming the o&a subreddit

You should run for elected office. Be the change you want to see.

Thank you for your service