Nick Di Paolo calls woman out for laughing hysterically at dark joke

81  2017-02-12 by BornInJune9182


He was always one of my favorite guests, and this recent special from him is great.

I've still never checked out his podcast though.

its all politics. I listen and like it

I quit during the election, has he laid off it a bit now that trump won? Or is it the same?

mostly the same.

Hold the phone! I thought we were supposed to hate comics who inject politics into their act

Only comedians you inject liberal/SJW politics into their act. His right wing ideology is at least interesting in a sea Amy Schumer disciples.

A right leaning comic complaining about the left is just as boring and stale as a leftist complaining about the right

They both stink

Well yeah but it's less common.

Not when they're outnumbered literally 20 to 1. Fail.



Nick Dipaolo continues to act like Nick Dipoalo Other comedians just start ranting about Comedian-led military coups, lying in bed crying all day, leaving the country (and then not), and call people Darth Vader and Cheeto face for 5k retweets

It's EXACTLY the same thing

I'm talking about their act and you're talking about their fucking twitter

Nick DiPaolo strikes me as a very genuine comic (and guy). He can make me laugh at almost anything whether I may agree with his slant on any given topic or not. That's all I could ever ask from a comic. I don't give a fuck what topics he covers as long as he's hilarious.

I agree 100% with this

But unfortunately (and unsurprisingly) seems like the point of my initial post has gone over the heads of the partisan idiots here. I was just pointing out the rampant hypocrisy on this sub. They bring out the pitchforks when a comic or celebrity hints at a leftist POV and scream to keep politics out of comedy, but when it's some conservative stuff, they drop to their knees and call it a breath of fresh air.

I mean...look how they act when I sarcastically said that we should dislike Nick for his politics

We like garbage like jam so don't take this shit sub too Srsly

Fair enough sir

Jim jefferies does gun control in America jokes in his act. Yeah that's real funny stuff!

If you can't see the real hypocrisy about the majority left Hollywood/comic scene and how they refused to make fun of obama because he was half black - yet go full retard in stepping over themselves to make fun of Trump you must be a lefty faggot.

"gun control" "Hollywood" "lefty" "cucks" "triggered"

What's the matter Hillbilly Jim? Don't like people coming into your little "safe space" and pointing out your inconsistencies? Get over it. Also get a blood disease and die while you're at it.

🇺🇸 President Trump 🇺🇸

Anything else redneck?


You must be new here.

We have fun here.

Thank you. IDC what they say, but Jesus are any of the Donald supporters original?

They take a soundbite and run it to the ground.

Gotta tell the truth somehow. Those buzzwords cucks use against people who disagree with them are even more embarrassing.

Who are the fags that came out of the woodwork to like this? Seriously, 5 fags just showed up all of a sudden. Your other comment got -18.

What's wrong pal? Need a safe space?


Ur gay

I have feelings you know

im apologize

Apologize accepted

Nick and Patrice going at it was the best.

Even the right-leaning guys like Gavin and Milo are johnny-come-latelys compared to Nick. Nick's been doing that stuff since I saw him on Comedy Central in the mid 90's.

into their act

His standup is not very political at all. Or are you trying to call his podcast "his act"?

I do not listen to his podcast because I don't care about politics in general, but his standup is great.

politics is his act (on his podcast I mean) - he injects other stuff

Nick is still funny. Patton, Silverman and Jeffries are less funny than they used to be.

If Patton still did bits as funny as the one about the bitter couple in the cookie commercial I wouldn't care what he thought about Trump. Just like I don't care Nick Mullen is a socialist. Because he's still funny.

I'm not sure Patton was ever funny

I love Nick Depalo I see him every times in my area, but his podcast is way to political for my test. I like zero politics in my comedy so in this current climate I can basically listen to nothing!

Dipaolo is great but this clip is kind of shit

Sounds exactly like Patrices laugh

what does he say at 1:13? "seems like you can take it, (???)"

Nick is the "My friend's angry dad" of comedy.

Saw him last night. Great set. Chicago was acting like a bunch of liberal cunts. He smoked them.

This special is a few years old. He has a new one coming out on Seeso in a few days.

Oh shit, I didn't even realize he had a new one coming. I hope it's within 7 days because I just started the Seeso trial for Big Jay's show, and I don't want to pay the monthly fee...

This one is from 2015 though, yeah. Was just a recent upload, I haven't seen any clips posted from this special.


Worst channel name ever. It sounds like a kid with a harelip trying to say "see-saw." They keep pushing it everywhere, but all the comics seem to hate telling people things are on there.


He sucks the same way Patton sucks, fuck your political opinions & Nicks are the worse.

At least his wife is still alive

And she's hot.

for anyone who sees this, she's not hot. don't bother googling.

She's a 3/10 for anyone remotely associated with "the biz"

Good point, fuck Patton

Unlikable asshole

don't be so hard on yourself

Out of all the O&A related comics, Nick is now my favorite. He hasn't changed. His mindset and views are the same as they were on Tough Crowd. Talk about politics as long as you can make it funny and be genuine about it. You know what your getting into when you see him.

Is there any other way to watch Nick's new special this month? I ain't signing up for that SeeSo faggotry. Looking at the kind of stuff they have on there its 99% all PC faggot comedy by the likes of Cameron "Did I go 5 seconds without mentioning I'm a lesbian?" Esposito and Jonah "Gonna Ruin All My Good Memories of MST3K" Ray. NO THANKS

Do you know how soon it releases? I've got the 7 day trial currently, but I'm not going to subscribe past that.

I'd gladly pay him directly for it if I could.

Just looked it up, looks like its February 16

I guarantee it will be up on Primewire (maybe even youtube) within 24 hours

Same here, Nick is one of the only comics I'm willing to pay money for but subscribing to SeeSo sound like a hassle for a fast mover and shaker like myself.

That was grade A crowdwork.

I quit during the election, has he laid off it a bit now that trump won? Or is it the same?

Hold the phone! I thought we were supposed to hate comics who inject politics into their act

"gun control" "Hollywood" "lefty" "cucks" "triggered"

What's the matter Hillbilly Jim? Don't like people coming into your little "safe space" and pointing out your inconsistencies? Get over it. Also get a blood disease and die while you're at it.

I have feelings you know