Is this the same Jim Jefferies who told a pornstar he'd like to dig the shit out of her ass with a knife?

12  2017-02-12 by McGowan9



having a kid and living in LA changes you

he was already a "BUT WHUY DO YA EVEN NEED GUNS YA CUNT" type nigga before, now he's gone full SJW

Didn't Jim Jeffries tell a story on OandA about how when he was living in LA a bunch of dudes broke into his house with guns and knives, threatened to murder him and his roommate, threatened to rape his girlfriend, then stole some stuff, took his car keys, tied him up, then drove away with his car?

I think he was in England when that happened

He was living in Manchester, England when that happened. No guns, just a fuck-off machete. 2 black guys - they stole his BMW and were, predictably, pulled over and arrested by police minutes after leaving his house.

Oh, good for him then.

My favourite part of the story was the two robbers also stole some of Jefferies drugs. The cops knew they were his, had his fingerprints on them but they stuck a drug possession charge on top of the hapless criminals armed robbery and assault charges.

It's his partner he's saying it to. Something he could say to her face or over the phone. Instead chose to share it with the masses.

I don't think they are the same person. The Jim Jefferies that said that had a lot less hair.

I don't see why the two would be mutually exclusive?

They're not. There's nothing wrong with him making that joke or saying this to the mother of his child to her face or on the phone. Just thought it was a bit gross to do it on social media, hoping for all the haus fraus to let out a collective "Awww, he's so sweet."

Kinda like how you post on here, instead of just letting half-baked, uninteresting horseshit like this roll around in your empty head?

Exactly. This guy gets it.

No argument about Jeffries from me.

ALSO: Piers Morgan is a day old rap festival porta-potty.

He clearly wants to fuck that Kate chick he replied to.

The person that woman was talking about is that irish comic who was off his head on drugs in studio one day. His pinned tweet is

Is this fag seriously doing a victory lap on Twitter over his embarrassing tantrum on Maher?

Out of all the countries in the world Australia being bombed with ICBM thermonuclear warheads would be the funniest

At least he was smart enough to not marry that hag.

That skank he knocked up might have the IQ of a Tomodachi pet. It sure is brave to brave to say same things the entirety of the mainstream is about the president. Look out MLK theres a new kid in town.

He's done enough crazy shit to get him on Trump's deportation list.