Just watched "Manchester by the sea."

6  2017-02-12 by axeheadroad

Good, depressing movie, but be prepared to be triggered by a character who resembles Opie during his bearded days.


If Opie enters your real world life in any way seek help immediately.

If you want to be trigged by somebody who looks like Jimmy watch "Split".

that's the movie about the guy with a bunch of personalities that he randomly goes into. are you sure it's not a movie about jim norton?

If you want to be triggered by somebody who looks like Jimmy watch "Splice"

I personally feel the film is downgraded by its unwillingness to speak to the minority plight in today's culture.

Not a single POC in it! The director should be sent to a reeducation camp to overcome his privledge.

He even talks like him.

Nope. This movie sucked a dick

I couldn't finish it, and I don't Casey Affleck

Your life's a movie.

I've been arguing about this movie since the minute I walked out of the theater. I love Casey Affleck to death, but this movie was maudlin melodramatic soupy dreck. There was virtually no script, the character went absolutely nowhere from point A to point B, in two hours. Why the fuck did we sit here for 2 hours and watch this, it was baffling. People are losing their mind over it because there was "acting" in it and because last year was so horrific they'll cling to anything.

As Robert McKee said in Adaptation: "And WHY THE FUCK are you wasting 2 hours of my PRECIOUS TIME, with YOUR MOVIE!!"


Maybe we have a different interpretation of the word, but I'd say the acting in this movie was the complete opposite of maudlin. Every line was mumbled and every emotion was restrained.

character went absolutely nowhere from point A to point B

In nearly every movie/TV show the characters have to have some kind of arc, but in life sometimes bad shit happens to people, they get knocked down... and then they just stay down. The end. Bravo to this movie for trying to be honest.

I've been arguing about this movie

Why? You didn't like it. No big deal. I fucking hated Django and I guarantee more people liked that pile of shit than this one

It's the best movie I've seen in ages. Just humans acting like human beings.

And if you want to see a character like Anthony watch Uncle Ruckus on The Boondocks.


Little Opie's mother is FAWKIN BRUUUUUTAL

How's about a Womanschester or sumptin?

Is this the boat movie?