Jews of the O & A Universe

2  2017-02-12 by Peckah_Inspectah

Let's get these names out there. Some of the most memorable members of the O & A universe are Jews it seems.

✡Intern David ✡Scorch (real name: Gary Greenstein) ✡Ira the Weatherman ✡Rich Vos ✡Danny Ross ✡Sam Roberts? (IIRC Jim or Ant once talked about going to his place to celebrate Jewish holidays) ✡Eric Nagel? (if Colin is to be believed) ✡Justin and Eric Stangel (not so memorable) ✡Pete Davidson? ✡The entirety of Sirus XM management


But none of those people actually practice Judaism. Or are you suggesting that there's an ethnic or genetic element to Jewishness?

You racist!

it's time to have an open and honest discussion about Judaism as a race in America.

btw, I'm pretty sure Intern David is a practicing Jew.

I don't know about practicing Judaism, but it's about time these suckas in the O n A world, started practicing they gaw dam jobs.

Open your eyes man. It's never been about theology. It's always been about ethnicity. And the associated cleansing.

Holy caust

If only.

Clubsoda Kenny, every Sirius executive, Anthony's neighbours

And if the Legion of Skanks count: Big Jay Oakerson and Dave Smith.

You mean The Fat Jew and the forgettable and impossible to google Dave Smith

Mark Chernoff, practicing Jew. Bob Saget, semi-practicing Jew. Club Soda Kenny, non-practicing Jew and cunt.

Big Amy: She once shared a mic in Jimmy's apartment for a memorable advice show.

Heebie Kikeberger forever!!

Jenny Hutt is of the especially annoying breed of Jewess that has the remind everyone in her presence of her Jewishness on a minutely basis.

Jewdy Gold is the menacing, loud mouthed dyke Jewess.

Forgot to mention Bruce Mittman, the creator of the bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbboys saying...

34.375% jewish. Pretty exact figure there.

The chick that sang "I Saw The Soign" was Long Island Jewish and super cute. She went to my college, I was in love with her.


You should have done us a solid and raped and murdered her before she could ruin the Stanhope episode.

I think it was Sam's wife who was the heeb and not him. He's mulatto.

Dave Attell

Judy "the muff diving rotten snatch" Gold is Jew.

Intern Matt, David from Israel (aka Jewish Mickey Mouse), Andrew Dice Clay, Ian Halperin (as a Cohen, other Jews bow to him when he walks into a shul), Brother Wease, and possibly Ant's ex-wife's mother, Judy?

Anyone know why Jews don't try and convert?