Travis's dog is like a living version of Opie's career. Just end it already. With a brick to the head.

0  2017-02-12 by Dennyislife


Not really. Unlike Opie's career I feel sympathy for Dexter.

Poor little doggie.

In all seriousness, the kindest thing to do would be to put him to sleep. Had to do it to my family dog a few years ago, it's fucking sad but once they stop eating and stroking out it's the humane thing to do.

Poor dog is obviously not well and leaving him to suffer because Travis loves him is selfish. That crap about him having good days and ok days and trying to pick up the ball is just a justification for Travis to let him keep suffering. He's a fucking dog and can't just lay it on the line and tell Travis, "Look asshole I'm in a shitload of pain and just want to die. Please end it for me."

I hope one day Travis is old and suffering and unable to talk and some Jamaican home health nurse keeps him alive and in misery so she can keep cashing his social security check. And she'll tell people, "Ohhh him have good days and him have ok days. It so cute when he try and pick up the ball with him palsy hand."

Are you a vegan?

That helpless look he gives the camera is so depressing. Poor guy.

In the arrrrrms of the aaaaannngels.....

Not right

Why end it with a brick to the head? Just have Opie come over and kick it like Chester's liver.