Was just watching The Accountant and ...

13  2017-02-12 by HallwayChairOpie

it was distracting every time Jon Bernthal came on screen because I remembered him confronting Opie about what a dick move it was to stomp on a homeless man's cake


He was good as the punisher

He's always good.

Hey man, Opie was the REAL fawkin punisher. PERIOD.


I just remember him caught in that Japanese surge before Bastilogne single handedly saved the day. Says my Raritan, NJ plaque

How was The Accountant?

It's a farfetched crime thriller but they intentionally added all these superhero-like elements to it. Affleck and Bernthal make it good.

what about the pretty lady with the small mouth that was in the commercial previews? was she a focal point in the movie?

Her mouth isn't that small, she just has giant rat teeth. She's mostly window dressing.

It's a good movie but it seems like it's made to give autistic kids a superhero

The Accountant was total shit. They tried to make autism look glamorous and it was hilarious how badly it was executed. Most people don't have a frame of reference when it comes to exceptional people on the spectrum or really smart Asperger's types. So the writers decided why not make him do this thing where he gets serious and blows on his fingers before executing some Seal Team Six hijinks. That's OCD. Totally different disease. 😂

There's a ludicrous scene where he goes to audit a giant corporation's books stretching back a decade and does it overnight, without a computer, Excel or anything, really. Just writes on the walls like a sperg and then finds discrepancies inside million pieces of paper, which would be laughable to anyone who has cursory understanding of accounting.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to laugh at the stupid premise.

Everything you say is 100% true... but it was still a fun movie. The story is shit, but the execution was good.

When the bad guy turned out to be his brother i wanted to murder someone.