For those who started to call Jim Jefferies "a talentless hack" all of a sudden: Just watch this again and try to say it one more time: "Non-Stop 'Racist' Jokes - Jim Jefferies, Paul Mooney, Rain Pryor & Bobby Slayton"

2  2017-02-11 by HeyYoLessonHereBey


This isnt recent after this he became a complete cunt

You sure showed us. Pack it up men we're going home.

Sensitive Trump faggots now hate all comedians. Except Dennis Leary, Dennis Miller and Nick DePaolo.

Now it's their turn to be clucking, disapproving cunts, goddammit!

*Dennis Dipaolo

I swear I was gonna write that!

Deport that kangaroo shaped motherfucker.

Yet another person who completely misses the point.

We don't like when a comedian who was not previously political starts to saturate his act with hacky Trump jokes or lefty values.

The examples you listed off have ALWAYS been politically right in their acts. Arguably except Dennis Miller, who used to be kind of lefty but flipped around to the right in a reverse Louis CK.

There is a difference between a dive bar comedian (Di Paolo) who's always been a right winger and sprinkles it into his act, and a semi-famous comedian who used to be neutral/libertarian and now pours their politics into their act. Nick's podcast and Compound Media appearances don't count, it's not his act. Patton's twitter arguably counts because it is fucking constant leftist propaganda.

What happened to all the "I hate Jim Jefferies now" threads?

It has nothing to do with his jokes. Their hate hinges on his political opinions.

His O&A appearance while being hungover and coming down on ecstasy and fucking with that porn chick will always be his best performance.

Yeah that's a classic to be fair.

I've always loved Jim Jefferies. He's easily top 3 best O&A guest. Patrice, Louis CK, and Jim Jefferies. I don't give a fuck what any of these guys political beliefs are. If they say some shit i disagree with, then I will disagree with them. But I won't carry on like a little bitch and boycott them because they don't agree 100% with me on politics.

What about when their politics become their act?

Jim used to be cool, but like most people who make it big they start to think that people actually care what they think and that their opinion matters.

Jim Jefferies is a legit funny fuck - no one can deny or take that away from him.

He's just a ZOG, globalist tool on top of that.