Reminder: Pathetic Sub Users keep reposting the same worn out discussions too justify the daily return to this thread.

1  2017-02-10 by Stankysnatch82

Enough already you boring cunts, if anything is more pathetic than Ope, Anth, Jimmy etc its the same old redditors obsessing over there limited knowledge of their lives talking about the same old things as if your adding something new.


That's something to think about.

And then quickly dismiss as the ramblings of a fool.

Why don't you come back here and Shut-Up.

Even more pathetic are fucking complainers.

Aww my bad fucko, now you run along and keep regurgitating the sam sworn out discussions like a good boy.

Your post history looks like Ant's Twitter feed. No wonder you're so pissy that we bash him. You're probably a Proud Boy too.

A little selective aint we there fella, what about the posts where I'm bashing Opie and Jim?? Aww you not liking Ant now because he has a difference of opinion than you :( fucking idiot.


Well what do you do for a living, character?

Well this guy u/stankysnatch82 sure is cranky today.

Yeah quick come on everyone gang up :)

You probably had higher hopes for this post.

No more than yours, jeez i'd hide them if i were you.

You're bombing.

Dumps on your wifes chest.

Save it by putting a vos plug

Yeah, well, you're a fag.

What you got against Gays?, your no better than Ant and his issues with blacks, shame on you sir.


What do you bring to the table, fella?

This is a bro Joe alt account. No one calls that fag Anth but him. You misspelled their. Clearly a wannabe biker that gets handouts from his little brother. Do Those kids spit in your mouth to clean out all the cum leavings?

Got me on my spelling, you sure showed me.

Forgive him he doesnt scicilians are the blacks of the fachist musollini loving Italians

Someeeeeebody knows that we know that he's pimping out his teenage daughter to her own goddamn uncle and isn't all that pleased about it.

You know this is even becoming a worn-out discussion?


Yet again, more anti gay, your making Ant look good.

Op thinks he has friends on this sub. Look!!

What a character. I love angry /u/Stankysnatch82.

thanks :)

Look at yous, all friends and shit. This is just as bad.

It's a sub

Stankysnatch sounds more like Cranky snatch.....

Billyassman sounds more like Willy in the ass man….