This sub has passed me by...

8  2017-02-10 by TheScarletR

I cant keep up anymore. I'll be killing myself now.


Bye nigga!

You ain't got the guts

He's a yellah belly!

Yeah dis is Two Bar. What'd you say? Why dont ya come down here and say dat ya cocksuckah

I'll cut z's in ya cheeks

Is Phil Myaz there?

Aww, c'mon, don't do that.

Yeah, somebody's gonna have to clean that shit up....if he is gonna do it fucking go outside.

Did you just quote an ICP bit and pretend you thought it up? Silly goose

You're also a shithead for knowing it.

Whoop whoop fam

Maybe. Also how the fuck do magnets work?

Keep my seat warm, I'll be joining you soon pal.

Stop parallel thinking Gabriel bits fag.

Please sign out with "your mom's box"

Why? you just got laid.


Do you have a stage 5 clinger on your hands?

Sort of. Shes a drama queen who threatens that we shouldnt talk anymore every time she gets her period.

Sounds like the start of something special.

Its caused me great distress the last few days.

Samuel Pepys ovah here

Crossing my fingers for a murder suicide in either direction.

Can you fb stream it and shoot us a link?

It's hard to keep up with the sub because I don't listen J&S and Opie.

I would watch Ant but the guy thinks its better to make people pay a subscription rather than provide the content free with advertisement putting in the bill.

I was listening to Jim and Sam daily until last week. Ive listened to part of one show since last tuesday

You assume that advertisers would want to associate themselves with Compound Media. I subscriptions is the only option Ant has left

idk. if Stormfront can get ads then surely Ant could.

It's the only correct course of action

We should just turn this sub into a suicide-pact club.

Suicide's for quitters. Just slowly drink yourself to death and hope you check out before you have to wake up 5 times a night to piss and the Alzheimers kicks in. Like a man.

Pics or it didn't happen faggot.

Glad to see ya go.




The sub has kind of passed me by lately too if I'm being honest. The endless political shit, people trying to form a community, the predictable vos rolls, lack of Joe Cumia hate etc.

Yeah same here. I still check in almost every day but I havent felt compelled to post much, or comment on the stuff that gets upvoted.

You don't think posting foo fighters songs is generating hilarious content?

I wont blame the good folks who frequent here.

Video please
