As the weekend commences, we must remember what's most important..

46  2017-02-10 by Crownenberg

Anthony Cumia is not a white man. Not by any stretch of the imagination.


Possibilities include: Tunisian, Carpathian, Azerbaijani

Qweeb, qway, longshot Spanish.

He's a nigger cook.

A very naughty nigger cook, if...I may be so bold sir.

I really loved the duality of every one of Anthony & Nick Dipaolo's race rants.

I would always think, "do those two really think they're white? Like i would group them in with me?"

I actually didn't know Dipaolo wasn't white until I saw one of his old specials on YouTube back from when he was young and Pakaistani. I don't know what doctors he went to but they did a great job on him. Michael Jackson could have used doctors like that because Nick does look kind of white now. Anthony however, not a chance.

I thought you'd mention that the one and only Rich Vos is performing at the Knights of Columbus in Bayonne New Jersey, but this is just as valuable to remember for sure.

at 7:00 pm. don't wanna see your vague bullshit again

The only place Cumia would be considered white would be in the depths of the Congo - and only then by fortune of comparison.

this place sucks

I bet Ant was white until he was forced to go to San Juan Capristano where the sun turned him into someone you'd keep your eye on when traveling on a plane.

Ant will spend the weekend on Stormfront complaining about those people who have problems with violence, guns, holding a job, and wasting their wealth on frivolous products.

His racism is totes grody.

The father of palaeontology, Georges Cuvier, was also a vicious "scientific racist" but he had a few choice words for the Anthony Cumias of this world:

Cuvier wrote about Caucasians: "The white race, with oval face, straight hair and nose, to which the civilised people of Europe belong and which appear to us the most beautiful of all, is also superior to others by its genius, courage and activity."[45]

Regarding Negros, Cuvier wrote:

The Negro race ... is marked by black complexion, crisped or woolly hair, compressed cranium and a flat nose. The projection of the lower parts of the face, and the thick lips, evidently approximate it to the monkey tribe: the hordes of which it consists have always remained in the most complete state of barbarism.[46]

Outdated? Yes. Vicious? Certainly. Relevant to Anthony? Absolutely.

Women are cum buckets.

I actually didn't know Dipaolo wasn't white until I saw one of his old specials on YouTube back from when he was young and Pakaistani. I don't know what doctors he went to but they did a great job on him. Michael Jackson could have used doctors like that because Nick does look kind of white now. Anthony however, not a chance.