Wellshiteinabucket fucking did it and his name was...GABRIEL?

8  2017-02-09 by I_Hate_Knockers


And he apparently pulled a Di's husband.

Oh no no no he wasn't my husband!

Tssssssssssssss is his new user name Wellgutsinabucket or sumpin?

Is this for real? that's heartbreaking

I wish he would've made a different decision at the end. Seriously, while some people were fags about it l, a number of people reached out. I just wish he would've taken the train to see Vos perform at Bananas in East Rutherford NJ for Valentine's Day. Half price off your first domestic...


That was real?

He's with /u/theronin23 now.

Brother Joe takes out another one of us.

This sub is cursed

Rightfully so, if we're being honest.

Well goddammit. That's fucking awful. We're all hideous monsters here but..yeah, fuck this. Rest in peace, good sir. I'm sorry this world failed you so badly.

Also I find it hilarious to think that we're probably the most mentally ill subbreddit, even surpassing /r/mentalillness.

Could still be someone faking their own death to gauge online reaction. Or maybe he's dead, I don't know.

At least his family didn't ask us to pay for his funeral like that one fact it's did.

I dunno, "We're about to ban towelheads from america. Hang in there dude.". Closest I ever came to doing a spit take.

This is my new favorite sub. I can't stop laughing at people being sad that people who used user names like ThunderCunt and FaggyHitler are dead.

They're funnier than black names

I don't wanna live in a world without ULuvNiggerCock.

Why would you kill yourself 20 days after Trump gets in? Shit is going crazy, we live in the funniest timeline. At least wait until the world gets boring and rote again.

He was British, he didn't want to MAGA.

He was British, he didn't want to MAGA.