Do you think one showing all day at 10am on a Friday is a good sign for this film?

13  2017-02-09 by Dannyprecise


HOLD ON, are you saying the film isn't doing well?

Judging by the 25% rating on Rotten Tomatoes & dismal box office return opening weekend, I think it's safe to assume it's major flop.

Jim Norton is pretty good at failing

It's hit or miss. Showtimes are all contracted through the distribution company. Not saying it's a hit or anything.

Jim's still holding out for a sequel. Maybe even a franchise.

that's for the old people who not only get a senior discount but get the before noon special. Probably eligible for a cup of soup and half a sandwich with purchase.

Black guys selling bootlegs of this are actually giving people money to take their copies.

The U.K. sucks ass you queen having euro racist

I'd love to fight you but I simply don't follow.

I'd rather sit with all the barren spinsters and watch A Dog's Purpose than suffer through that piece of shit The Comedian.

Zero point zero zero.