Mike Cannon talking about his tripping experience, imagine if Jim was there....

22  2017-02-09 by Wolosocu

Sam: Mike, you have a great story about shrooms?

Mike: So my good friend and I decided to trip on shrooms in the afternoon....

Jim: In the afternoon, man? I could never do that, I always preferred my tripping in the evening.

Mike: Well, we were smoking too..

Jim: Yeah, man, that's rough. I mean, I haven't done drugs in 45 years, but when I was an addict man, it was rough.

Mike: This is a great story though. So we...

Jim: Oh, I'm sure. I have some great stories too about when I used to get zooted up on the paint thinner and acid.

Sam: (fake laugh)


Hopefully Dean makes an appearance. He's the only hope for humor in a Norton drugs story.

Anybody else think Mike Cannon sounds like a slightly older version of Butthead ?

I don't have a problem with Jimmy for the most part, but I'll never understand how people don't just slap the shit out of him as soon as he starts up with that 'I was an addict' nonsense.

I was just listening to an old o&a where they bring out a crack pipe cake for vos cause of his 20 years sober and Jim bitches that no one got him a cake when he hit that day. It annoyed the shit outta me. Baby boy needs the attention.

I kinda miss that trainwreck conspiracy podcast he used to do. FLAT EART!!!!!

Haha. I see that DaVe is now convinced that mountains are giant, ancient tree stumps.

Where'd he go? Is he still doing the rabbit hole show? I enjoy the conspiracy shit for entertainment purposes but the "far out man" spirit healing horseshit grew old fast. Number reading. Get the fuck out.

Oh man, yeah, drugs. I did a drugs once. Became dependent immediately. Every single night of the last 45 years has been like Renton kicking heroin in Trainspotting.

Trainspotting is too recent of a movie to be in norton's reference wheelhouse.

Panic in Needle Park?

Noooo! BABY Chip noooo!

lol. Jim Nortons first acting gig was ceiling baby

Tsss i dont know who my dad is .

Probably sick boy. Tsss, what...does he have polio or sumthin

Jim doesn't want to drink or do drugs because that would lead to a moment of clarity and self-awareness. At which point he wouldn't be able to deny his barely sublimated homosexuality anymore.

Mike Cannon stinks!

"I had a marijuana once and hallucinated and then threw up"

Well, it's like Sammy's mammy said be careful of what you wish for.