Remember this mentally ill bitch? She's buying fake likes to make the the like/ratio look better.. press dislike

2  2017-02-09 by [deleted]



don't tell me this is Bill's sister?

That's some stupid shit right there.

Bro, you don't sound very woke right now.


She hates fat people, and she hates SJWs.

She's fine in my book.

No, I don't remember and I don't care because I'm not an alt-right faggot obsessed with liberals.

The fuck are you talking about?

This isn't show related so I assume it's some political bullshit.

You would you FUCKING WHITE MALE !

It actually wasn't and you are a faggot for assuming so.

Stupid is in my username and you're getting worked up over nothing, dipshit.

No you people are just extremely annoying, you are just as bad as the people you hate.

I like her big blue eyes. I'd love to give her a big messy facial and glue those eyes closed with my jizz.

She's obviously attractive. Why hate on an attractive woman? There are not many left in America.

she's fucking ripping off that jenna marbles bitch, right down to the wacky voice

fuck me for knowing that

Ant brought her up unironically saying he found her funny once