My brother told me he likes Opie and listens to his show. Also says he likes Vic Henley because he's so "smart". Am I a faggot by relation to this faggot?

43  2017-02-08 by WhooKiddzDabesso





It depends. Who molested who?


You'd still be a faggot even if he was aborted.

Yes.Your best bet is to travel back in time and force your mother to have an abortion.

Given time travel isn't possible, realistically his best bet is to off himself.

You're half a fag

You're as queer as 9 men fucking 8 men.

Sounds like there's a "Lucky Pierre"

From your name, you should know.

ScarletNumber? It should be scarlet letter denoting how much of a fudge packer you are. Not all Asians are the hairless young twinks that you so clearly prefer.

Obligatory your mother is a whore catching seed from random vagrants in dive bars so to answer your question you're only half related and neither of you are your father's kids.

Is this Vic Henley?

"Alright, you got me there heh heh. I was just goin down there an tellin them, and yeah, you're right you're right, It's old Vic heh."

Maybe some people don't have this anger against society that most of us have and are therefore able to comedy that doesn't involve baby rape and other horrible shit.

Then again your brother could be gay. Or even worse. A proudboy. In either case the solution is murder

Did it all start with Waco for you?

No you're just both faggots who happen to be related.

Get him to do an AMA- this sub has been trying to find an actual Opie fan for about a half a decade

I like Opie. AMA

How long have you been a faggot?

Ugh, are we really going there. Cos I can go there! I can go there sir!

Leave it alone. I have plenty of shit I could bring up from over the years sniff

How many of those gold dipped roses do you actually sell?

you became a faggot the moment you came on this board

Your brother has bigger balls and a stronger spine than at least 16,130 people.

You misheard him. He said he's like to listen to Opie choke to death and that Vic Henley is a smartass.

Faggot by association

That was the original name of Brother Joe's failed internet radio show.

Depends, do you fuck him in the ass?


Yes, you are. But not because of blood but because you suck his peckah and like it.

only solution : rape him

You're a faggot for asking.

Short answer: Yes.

You're a full faggot unless you beat the fuck outta him. Then you're only half a fag for being related.

Anybody actually still listening to Opie's show with that cheap Wal-Mart knockoff version of Patrice has to be on the spectrum. Calling Opie's 2017 version of a show trash would be insult to garbage cans across the world.

Is your brother a middle aged man? Because that seems to be the type of person who generally enjoys Opie's show.

What's it like being Sharrod Small's brother?

I like Opie. AMA