Today on the Sam & Jim Show, Jim leaves early

20  2017-02-08 by Wolosocu

I started listening to the Sam & Jim Show from the start about an hour or so ago. After 40 minutes Jim left for the day.

Not only does the baby boy make every conversation about himself (because if they're not talking about Jimmy then Jimmy's not talking) but has he even worked a full 15 hour week? He's constantly leaving to do something else (surely not work on the Chip Chipperson perks that he still owes people).

When the contract is up, Sam needs to move on and just do a solo show. The gig with the 55 year old baby-boy recovering (from one weekend of smoking pot) addict just isn't working. Actually it is working, it's just Sam that is doing all the work. Jim is and will forever be nothing more than a third mic.

Edited: They only do 15 hours a week, not 20.


When Sam starts talking about non Jimmy topics, I picture Yimmy starts sucking imaginary cocks in his brain, as he obsesses over nothing at his phone.

Did he get breakfast? Wait no don't tell me.

Ohh I hope it was prepared correctly! One egg white and six almonds! That fucking faggot intern brought seven almonds yesterday and poor Breakfast Diva had to do an extra hour of Zumba to make up for it.

By that time Bennington might be done and he could pick up Chris Stanly as the stuntboy and Gail as the hole.

whats keeping that chucky monkey after his father-daugter radio hour? that fat fuck with double sunglasses shouldve hit the gym for at least 2 hours a day

Jim's probably the worst of them all. You can hate Sam but he works his ass off. You can hate Ant but he still set up his own thing and ventured into the unknown. I guess Opie's just as bad though when it comes to privileged, whining babies who Bitch, moan and complain but do nothing to help themselves. Jim used to pull this shit all the time. He gets paid well by sirius and seems to come and go as he pleases, leaving Sam with all the heavy lifting. Then Jim would come back, moan about his flights, about his eggs and browse grindr on his phone for three hours. There's a reason other than raw talent why Jim never got to Louis/Burr level. Jim doesn't take chances, is lazy and experts opportunities to just fall on his lap. He chose to stay with sirius for money and convenience despite knowing it wasn't doing him any favours comedically. He pumped out a cheap, shitty animation out of sheer laziness. Look at burrs cartoon. Some real work has gone into every detail. Jim's was just shat out hurriedly and he pretty much relied on Schumers appearance and that shitty female comic to write it. And when he gets called on it he just spouts more bullshit before deleting any trace, hoping fans forget. If he was Opie, I wouldn't give a fuck. Opie's not talented or funny. Jim is. But he's lazy, petulant and spoiled. Ever since he found radio he never really had to work. Sam really should break away or face being the heavy lifter for this human tumour

I agree with a lot of what you said. To be fair, Burr has real Hollywood producers who want to work with him on projects. Jimmy... well, not so much.

Jimmy and Burr were on a similar level until Burr's podcast went through the roof 5 years ago. I think that really let people in on his voice and it made him a massive star. Jimmy doesnt realize that no one listens to satellite radio. There is no access to anyone who doesnt have a subscription. Its comedy in a bubble. You are preaching to your same choir every day. No new fans.

I disagree that people aren't listening to satellite radio. Sure a free podcast is open to more people but I think for the average casual listener that it's a lot easier to browse through channels and find something to listen to rather than going to a website or app and specifically downloading a podcast.

In other words I don't think it's the medium's fault that Jim only has mediocre success when compared to Burr, Schumer and others that came up along side (and even after) him. I think the blame falls squarely on the "where are my eggs" passive aggressive woman man who wants everything handed to him.

You could also make the case that Jimmy's prepared material just falls short of todays great comedians. Maybe his ceiling was just being a funny radio guy. Sirius/xm is great...but, there's TOO much content for someone new. You have to almost get lucky stumbling and finding something you like (average person in their car for an hour per day). How many people are really going to tune in and stay long when they hear Sam interviewing a WWE wrestler?

I think we are nearly all in agreement that Jim's stand-up is weak. But he strongly defends the fact he doesn't check out other comics' material. I didn't know why he thinks that is a good thing.

"Massive star"? Not really. Not slamming Burr, I like him a lot, but he's not a massive star - not yet. He's definitely on the right track for it. He's putting in the work - and best, when he does pop up on shows like Breaking Bad, he's likeable. He's not the greatest actor, but being likeable is just as good.

Jim has had the same opportunities Bill has. But he's not likeable. He comes across as an overwound neurotic mess, overthinking everything he says, for maximum room ass kissage. Burr was just on Rogan, it was great - nothing earth shaking, just two yobs bullshitting and having a great time. Norton's appearances on Rogan are two hour college lectures on humor and comedy, soul searching contemplations that have a big "It's all about MEEEEEEE' neon blinking like on them. That's when pompous Jimmy is at his most insufferable.

Also...over the years, Bill has matured, changed, evolved, like most people do.

Jimmy? He hasn't changed a single bit, in the years I've been aware of him. Trannies, porn, Sabbath, and Kiss. That's it. There's no substance to Jim. You scratch him, he's an empty bubble underneath, with a little troll wringing his hands and fretting about celebrity photos in the corner.

When I say massive star, I'm talking only the comedy world. Burr is in the top 20 grossing standups every year. Not all of entertainment. Burr goes on late night talks shows as an actual guest... not just the comic. I think thats when you know you have moved to that next level.

For example can you imagine Bill Burr making something like the chip cartoons ? Never. His management would never allow it either. Jim is a hack. That's it.

Bingo. Jim is still freelancing and making it up as he goes (one failed project after another). Burr has a management team around him.

Jim paints the picture that he's part of this elite group of comedians who all meet together etc. hardly. Once he even claimed comedians understand racism more because he was "friends with Keith and Sherrod". Sherrod really seems like a great friend. Lol. Whatever jim.

(((management team)))

This is exactly it. Jimmy (along with Anthony and Opie) mockingly spoke of "super agent" Bob Eatman, but these fools kept using him. Burr's agency has people like Louis CK, Kevin Hart, Jesselnik, and TJ Miller. Eatman's client list includes such luminaries as Dan Koob, Tresa Tudrick, and Tom Zizka.

I was always fascinated at how O&A bashed their agent, yet we're so fucking lazy they never hired someone better.

Burr's stand-up has a lot more mainstream appeal than Jim's non stop tranny jokes and 10 year old references. I think that has something to do with it as well.

Opie isn't funny but atleast he lives a relatively normal wife and has a family. Jim's life is just straight up depressing. He counts calories while edging all night and going pants shopping with a girl he likes who will never fuck him.

i wonder if his real life 'relationships' have the same depth and character as the porn star interviews we hear. him just slavishly following them around and asking tons of questions and showing undue interest while he ignores the blatant reality that they view him as a disposable 'friend'

You can tell his supposed comedian "friends"'tolerate him at best. He is access to a media platform so they aren't going to waste that opportunity but you can tell there is no real connection.

Colin's too high hearted to really hate anyone but I like to think he doesn't take Jimmy seriously at all. Like how you tolerate a babbling toddler.

Remember he hired a male assistant just to be a man and do all the things his effeminate ass was to lazy or afraid to do.

god im such a fat faggot slob who loves this nasty drama. pipe down my fucking hole i cannot get enough


Dude you won. No need to be such an asshole about it

I tapped out today. It turned into the background sound of O&J once jimmy left. Sam picks terrible guest co-hosts.

I can't even remember who the other guy was, but the show was way more enjoyable after Jim left. At least Sam and whoever were talking about stuff without having the discussion steered back into Jim's interests after a few minutes.

Mike Cannon


considering they do a 3 hour show, I would assume that no he has not done a 20 hour week

Good catch. Updated original post.

Nothing annoys me more than video of Jim checking his fucking phone every 2 seconds, when the guest isn't a porn slut or fighter he wants to fuck.

It's like he still thinks he is still the 3rd mic. He got rid of tits, he only has his self to blame now. As much as I don't like Sam, it will be Jim's fault when they get canned.

haha opie wasnt the reason why ONJ sucked, now you faggots got ur wish, by listening to jim hooking up to porn person every day and listen to his eggs

Exactly. Jim was the real reason O&A fell apart. He divided them both.

.... eh

Jim wants all the benefits of working hard, except the work part. His contributions to the show are almost zero.

yeah but where else can you learn about if jim enjoyed his egg white this morning? pests better be jock toolbaring the restaurant that made that egg white!!!

That's true. I'm already having anxiety about him being out tomorrow and not knowing if his eggs and almonds were perfect.

Weren't they talking just yesterday about always doing your job no matter what, Sam's pregnant beard and Jim's red carpet event had to make way for "gigs", and then he goes and bails after 40 minutes?

Focus on your main job /u/therealjimnorton, no one's going to watch your cameo in a pilot or go to the Chuckle hut in Cincinnati anyway.

LOL I just heard the end of today's show. Apparently Jim is out tomorrow too. Unfuckingbelievable.

he has to fly to korea and deal with chan and the delay of chipperson bumper stickers

Please don't send Jimmy over here. He'll only get lost in the tranny bars on Hooker Hill.

Pipe down slant! The whites are talkin'.

Attempt at humor noted.

Zip it, zip!

Note failure to learn from first attempt.

Fun fact: Asians preform and "learn" better than 92% of their racial counterparts.

Fun fact: There are more than two million foreign residents of the Republic of Korea, which is about 3.5% of the total population.

I just made that shit up. I'm not good at math. Like say, Asians...

The O&A show could kind of work with them being lazy because they had a bunch of interns to "prove themselves" so it was kind of a joke. Now Opie whines about his kids draining him (praying for someone to save him), Anthony doesn't want to deal with "Keith Work" and Jimmy has better things to do. They should just bring in more comics, who cares if they're funny or agree with them politically, just get more stuff going. Give Adrian and D-bag or whatever to plan the first hour if its just going to be this lazy conversation

fuck off with all the background staff shit, fuck teff dawg woof woof and dickbag and adrian, those fucking faggots are boring, and more comedians? thats what anthony did, fuck joe devito

so what would be your solution?

I guess we'll never know.

Listening to Sam say cock-a-roach like a fucking cunt is making me ragefully angry.

"yea yea yea yea no no no"

Sam made a huge mistake joining up w Jim. Sam's show was better than Jim and Sam. Norton's humor is annoying. And he never does his research. Sam does it all. Jim just chimes in, voices his opinion and cracks childish jokes.

Yeah, that was embarrassing for two reasons when he didn't know Burr's special was already out. Number one was if he did any show prep he would have already known that and number two is just as a casual friend he should have known that to be supportive of his buddy.

People actually listening to Opie Jr. and The Worm

I'd tell you to kys, but you already have those thoughts.

Every single on of Jim's comedian cohorts except Vos have experienced massive success. Jim is still playing Chuckle Huts and telling tranny jokes.

Even Vos was on Last Comic Standing. At least it was a network show.

Jim was on Leno, which was the high watermark of his career.

Fundamentally, Jim is an employee, not an entrepreneur. In comedy these days, you really have to hustle, create a brand, and constantly innovate (sorry for the shitty consultant speak, but it's true). Jimmy is afraid to take chances, and wants someone else to sign the checks. He's 50, so he's basically on the downward slope of his life and career, which is why he's so terrified to leave SiriXM, and will basically do anything and tolerate anything as long as he keeps getting a check every two weeks.

Sam had a solo show and it was all about Jordan sneakers and wrestling. Jim and Sam just need to get ant on the air a few times per week or even per month.

And yet it was still better than J&S.

Jim's lack of enthusiasm, lack of preparation, lack of attentiveness, and general boorishness have gotten tiresome to me. I find myself tapping out more often than not.