3:10 ...Why so late? I wanna laugh now...tss..tss. get it ?....it says Yuma.My moda says it's funny

16  2017-02-08 by valternieks


Not bad

Great movie

Is it worth watching if you don't typically like cowboy movies?

I'd say yes, especially if you're a Russell Crowe fan.

I'd say no.. I fuckin loved it because it's a proper cowboy/western movie... no sure a non fan of the genre would appreciate it

Fair enough. I'm not a big western fan, but I am a Crowe fan so I watched it. I really liked it.

You suck his cock?

No. Why would you ask me that? I thought we were having a nice conversation about a movie we both liked.

It's a show reference

Oh, okay. That's alright then.

Why? What would you do about it fuckface?

Well, nothing. Not much I can do. Is that another show reference, or are you just being mean this time?

I get confused myself

Okay, well since I haven't really given a reason to for you to be mean to me I'll go with show reference.

Either way, at least we can both agree that it was a good movie - we'll always have that.

Iv never seen it

Well, you should give it a shot.

Anyway, happy trolling Sir!


The post is dog shit but the movie is very underrated

the original from the 50s is great, too.

There's a hilarious Patrice clip where O&A were talking about movies and Vos burst in to say 4:30 to Yomo was a good movie or somesuch.

I skipped to 3 minutes and 10 and didn't see any yuma whatsoever. False advertising.

Fawkin' home run porsalin...tss

Tss whaddabout 2:30 ta yuma?

Time to go to the dentist or sumpthin?

double adaptations, cocksuckah.

Is it worth watching if you don't typically like cowboy movies?

the original from the 50s is great, too.