Does anyone remember when Jim "Chuck Jones" Norton had his gullible, dim-witted fans send him $60,000 to make a cartoon so shitty they were later taken offline out of shear embarrassment and never spoken of again?

54  2017-02-08 by [deleted]



Sheer, stupid.

Ooops. Can't change it now.

Anyone dumb enough to hand over money deserved to lose it.

thats a revolutionary take on this matter

No ive I heard that a few times actually

I'd rather spend my money on a Droppin' Hammers shirt.


Sirius XM

At least if I spent my money on a "Brotha Man, Brotha Man," T-shirt I'd have something to mop up spilled YooHoo with.

Please remind us with his height too

You're the ones that payed him ya faggots

He only started the whole thing so he could hire that female comic and give her a reason to fuck him. Totally sold his entire idea to that hole.

Jews gona Jew

No sympathy. Here's a worm like deviant without a single day's experience of making an animated show asking you for money. The minute I heard he was writing it with some unfunny cunt woman I knew it wouldn't work. He's a funny dude but his stand up sucks. He's not a good writer. Other than the odd funny quip as chip or uncle Paul he has no idea what he's doing making a show of his own. I don't tend to give out bank details to Nigerian kings with millions tied up in schemes nor do I fall for shit like this. If you were fiscally irresponsible enough to bet on this wingless moth then that's on you.

Nice try on the hate tho, upvote for CQ reference.

lol all of you are the coolest daddy-o right now by not donating, i remember back in the days every single one of you chippahsons "peckazonz lmao" Lamer fucked my mother not that one thyme faggots was asking for a animated show, now downvote this comment because i speak the truth

"Unfunny cunt woman" sounds redundant.

that made me laugh

Dude you won. No need to be such an asshole about it

A pretty bad equivalency there...

My target was Jim Norton - a guy who overwhelmingly deserves criticism for the cartoon debacle. I simply pointed out with no real derision that it seemed a little silly to have supported this cartoon from the outset.

A little different from this wave of childish abrasion, intellectually superiority and passive aggression from each and every post of yours. It's actually a really boring and tragic read. You offer nothing.

So what you're saying is I got you so hot that you went back and read all my posts, while I did not, and simply reposted your quote on what looked to be abrasive posts. :)

Said the guy who asked me to not be an asshole on a bunch of my historical posts. Pot and kettle much?

Why do people here still care, none of you donated

It's funny to fuck with him about it because he knows it was a giant blunder. It's one of the only things he responds to here, not even realizing that nobody actually gives a shit.

I, for one, would like to see the $60,000 Kickstarter fugitive brought to justice.

I dunno, it seems there's a group here that actually does seem to give a shit, calling him a spineless worm and shit for it. I never understood it, we all saw the awful pilot but the people here still defend the donors.

yeah but him lying about it, and pretends it never existed is so funny, i think you are missing the point

He only comes here to let us know 5 minutes before hand that fat celebrities will be calling into his advice show to defend accusations of theft.

Cuck Jones

Dirty Text Avery

Jizz Freleng

Slob Clampett

Mel Blank Check

Bank Tashlin

Chucks Loans


The best part about this is he actually fucked over the people who support him the most. If Norton was a good writer or comedian he wouldn't have to talk about trannies on the radio.

I am stealing this, good day sir!

This mollusk knows no limits: *Because I honestly do believe in this project, I used my own money to make the pilot and go through all phases of character designs, experimenting with the animation styles, etc. The risk is that people will see the pilot and detest the characters. Which would be understandable. *

I voluntarily donated money, and the end result was not FLAWLESSLY AMAZING! I'M ANGRY NOW BECAUSE THE CARTOON WASN'T FUNNY ENOUGH. Jimmy owes me, now

you are so sarcastic mate, we need to call the burn unit for this sick burn

Gimme some aloe, cawksucka

I think the issue is that there was no end result. He made 2 episodes to promote the kickstarter, then never made any when it wasn't fully funded.

It's not that it wasn't funny enough, just that it never happened.

that's fawkin hilarious

Jim has stated numerous times that he thinks cartoons are stupid, doesn't watch them, and doesn't understand the people who do. He dismisses the entire genre without having one speck of knowledge on the subject. He doesn't attempt to be educated.

He then decides to make a cartoon, and knowing his true and honest thoughts on the industry, people willingly give him money and are then shocked that a mid-level comedian who hates cartoons and doesn't watch them put out an embarrassingly bad, poorly written, flash-like animation that would have fell flat in 2006 nevermind 2016. You got what you got because that is what Jim actually thinks modern cartoons look and sound like. Because he has zero interest in animation he actually thinks what he put out is no different to Bob's Burgers or Family Guy or Rick & Morty.

If you gave money for Jim Norton's Chip cartoon you are every kind of stupid there is to be for blindly throwing your money at the sometimes funny radio man who makes you chortle by shouting "AIDS" at people, who also by the way, hates animation and doesn't watch any.

I once saw a picture of Jim Norton standing next to Dana Carvey and James "glorified mollusk" Norton was easily 4 inches shorter than a man who had a signature character named "The Church Lady." He simply a man from a phylum that includes snails, slugs, mussels, and octopuses. He has a soft, unsegmented body and lives in an aquatic and damp habitat, and has an external calcareous shell. Except his shell is made out women's clothes and undergarments that he purchased with said stolen funds. His recent viral video series is just one long collaboration of hints for other closeted men to fake masculinity and avoid the hate crimes being committed against them which they all deserve, whilst embezzling money from others. Video number 25 is going to go viral. It's called "How to Suck Cock Without Smearing Your Lipstick or Having Stolen Money Fall Out of Your Pockets."

I fucking hate him.

Yes,I do.What did I win?A MUSTANG? ??????

you are so sarcastic mate, we need to call the burn unit for this sick burn

I think the issue is that there was no end result. He made 2 episodes to promote the kickstarter, then never made any when it wasn't fully funded.

It's not that it wasn't funny enough, just that it never happened.

that made me laugh