Judd Apatow brings his daughter into the DVD commentary for Superbad and gets upset when the actors start swearing

39  2017-02-08 by Phantas_Magorical


Jesus Christ, is this a bit? If it's not, then Judd is the biggest pussy ever. I have never liked any of his movies.

It's not a bit, the rest of the commentary was sincere and hilarious. He's the Opie in this commentary.

It's a fucking bit, dude. Ever listen to the Anchorman commentary? Before this part of the commentary there's a silent period of about 2 minutes where you can tell they were figuring out the bit they were about to perform because Judd had to leave.

yeah jonah hill seemed way to disgusted to a dude whoes responsible for his career.

The Anchorman commentary is so much different than this. They're genuine the entire time, telling stories and how the casting process worked, and then this happens. He mentions at the beginning he's going to block her eyes during the dick drawing scenes, too. I highly doubt this is a bit, Apatow doesn't even do deadpan material.

Apatow is IN the Anchorman commentary pretending to be an engineer that tells them "you know we're recording, right?" The difference is the entire anchorman commentary was a series of bits, this was one bit they did.

Here's more Apatow doing deadpan, pretending to get into a fight. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/4d591e39a6/the-announcement-with-will-ferrell-adam-mckay-judd-apatow-from-will-ferrell-judd-apatow-and-adam-ghost-panther-mckay

What we're going to do here is forget this ever happened.

Open your mouth and close your eyes and I'll think about it. ;)

lmao i bet you got a tiny dick anyway send pics to prove it

you'd be right to think that.

I think it's a bit

Before this part of the commentary there's a silent period of about 2 minutes where you can tell they were figuring out the bit they were about to perform because Judd had to leave.

They don't have a pause button?

Those pussies wouldn't make fun of Apatow for real, he pays their bills.

People on here are retarded

Youre a fag

its very much a bit

Does he?

No, he doesn't

Apatow fucking stinks. Relevant anecdote: I was at the Comedy Cellar one night when he was here directing Trainwreck and he did a solid fifteen, twenty minutes. I was sitting right up front and he did some mildly amusing crowd work with me. I wish I'd had the balls to tell him he has exceedingly poor editorial judgment. Nobody wants a fucking 145 minute comedy. You keep it anywhere between 86 and 105 minutes, then get the fuck out.

The only movie of his I've ever thoroughly enjoyed was The 40 Year Old Virgin, and that was when I was 19.

a guy cant get a girl and lose her and get her back in a 90 minutes sir have you ever written a hit comedy?

a guy cant get a girl and lose her and then take a 45 min detour to showcase the directors wife and kids, killing all momentum and funny in a 90 minutes sir. have you ever written a hit comedy?

I'll have you know that I performed emergency rewrites on the highly acclaimed new release "Jim Norton's The Comedian", sir. So I think I know a thing or two about the craft of cinematic comedy.

Probably his shortest movie and it's still two hours long.

you should have just kept that anecdote in your back pocket if the moral of the story is apatow is decent at standup.


That's like going into a strip club and getting upset because you saw a pair of tits

i had a mean comment written then I saw this was a bit. still no one gives a fuck about his shitty kid

That was quick. Good work, man.

Respect to Jonah he smacked down Apatow's retarded parenting in front of his own daughter.

Was the daughter really there? I only listened to the first couple minutes and got bored. I assumed there wasn't really a kid there to begin with, they just needed to fill time talking about that mediocre comedy.

Yeah he even goes as far to ask the daughter if she cares and she says she hears curses all the time.

yeah its a bit, it sounds like every scene from Knocked Up.

i want to kill myself

Gay and fake


I don't get the Apatow bashing. Obviously his political activism on Twitter is similar to that of a poly sci student in their sophomore year of college and is infuriating to read through, but as a producer/director, the dude has delivered gold for 20+ years; including the best Sandler and Carrey movies.

Heavyweights, Happy Gilmore, Liar Liar, The Wedding Singer, The Cable Guy, Bruce Almighty, Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, DEWEY MOTHERFUCKING COX, Superbad, Pineapple Express, Step Brothers, Get Him to the Greek, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and so many more.

So yeah, I'm all for bashing the shit out of him, he's a liberal douchebag, but saying he sucks in general is just crazy talk.


I don't think Judd had anything to do with some of those movies you listed.

I wouldn't have thought so either honestly, but I went and checked before I posted and on all of those he's either a director/producer/writer at least. Usually at least 2, and sometimes all 3 on them. So his track record is fucking insane.

Yeah but he made Trainwreck with Amy Schumer. So that loses him any good will he might have built up.

He also contributed to Girls with Lena :/

happy gilmore, liar liar

After a quick look up, he did uncredited rewrites for these. He probably contributed very little, if anything at all for the final version.

Ahhh, I went by the grid thing and he was green on it under writer. Good call.

Yeah, but I will say he made great stuff in the 2000s and was the king of comedy movies of that era. Of course now he's stuck his flag on one side and everything else is wrong. Taking the emotional high ground really doesn't reflect well in comedy, but what do I know I'm just a civilian.

I would eat his daughter's ass. I love jew broads. Maude Apatow is cute.

If it was legit (I haven't listened to anything other than this), props to Jonah for talking back, although I doubt they would do this for real to someone who gave them a movie career and got them money.

It's a fucking bit, dude. Ever listen to the Anchorman commentary? Before this part of the commentary there's a silent period of about 2 minutes where you can tell they were figuring out the bit they were about to perform because Judd had to leave.

Was the daughter really there? I only listened to the first couple minutes and got bored. I assumed there wasn't really a kid there to begin with, they just needed to fill time talking about that mediocre comedy.