I got PM'd a link to this album that claims to show Anthony drinking with an underage youth

1  2017-02-07 by [deleted]



They said "do your work ;)" and it weirded me out.

have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

That's not Melissa Stetten?

I think you might be right.

Thats stetten from back when ant was on siriusx, hence the shitty gomez adams mustache.

Ah thank you. I wonder why I got sent it. Gave me the creeps.

Mr. Banks, I enjoy your contributions.

Also, Ant not nervously smiling and instead showinh his creepy serious face skeeves me the fuck out. Most certainly the last known photos of little Tranastasia.

Pointing his gun and flashing the bird. Ant sure loves to project phallic symbols.