Shots fired by Bobo

66  2017-02-07 by Dennyislife


Got to admit, it's a pretty good line.

Bobo - me and my buddy were watching your DVD last night Otto

Otto - what, the case?

Now that's a good line



AHpRel faHHlss

It would be if it wasn't so believable that he would be entertained by an inanimate poster.

Bobo is likely a better actor than DeNieo, too.

Watch The Deer Hunter faggot

He probably meant post-'Meet The Parents' DeNiro.

Watch Righteous Kill cunt

I did

That De Niro died and there was nothing we could do about it.

He's certainly smarter.

Well when you put it that way.

Gotta hand it to the man, he doesn't let his relationships skew his opinion. Bobo is no holds bard, bruuuuutally honest.

This fucking guy gets more likes than Opie and almost all of his followers are fake.

How this plays about: When he realizes he inadvertently insulted Jimmy, he'll call J&S babbling a frantic apology and Jimmy will have no idea what he's talking about.

For someone that's on Twitter all day he sure didn't take much in

did his niece ever make it to Peru to help the savages?

I sure hope so! Otherwise my $50 donation was for naught

this nigga bobo is killin 'em

the bobes don't sleep

Bobo gets numbers Opie could only dream of

And on that day, February 7th 2017, nobody could claim Bobo was loying.

Bobo is garbage.

Swim fucking walk, Bobo

i dare you to find a line opie said that's funnier than that

scratch that, i double dog dare you. with a cherry on top just to let you know that i mean business

Wow this motherfucker doesn't hold back

My nigga!

He put retard strength behind that one

Well, there you have it. A slow guy has better ability to discern a stinker than Jimmy.

Jim should ban him from the Jim and Sam show.

Truth comes without adjectives. Whoever feels hurt, can continue to live a lie.

shits broke. what did the ole' rascal say

Something about how the poster for Comedian might be funnier than the movie

Link isn't working. How about you fags start using screenshots instead of links for social media shit? Otherwise you're just betting that a 4am drunken Tranth tweet, or a 9pm hormonal Titileak won't be deleted in embarrassment by the time they wake up.

That's right....

I think im blocked

Can't believe he said that. What will his black friends think?


here is the tweet bobo made before he deleted like the coward he was!

poor bobo. He was very likely scared while deleting it. what a tard

"Shots dribbled by Bobo"

Maybe he deleted it because he used the word "then" and not "than"?

It's Bobo time....



"I just wanna congratulate Laid Nye!"
