Anyone have any tips on how to score opiates from the doctor?

6  2017-02-07 by Ronvsfez



Offer up your ole puckered starfish.

What about just asking ?

Hey, Masher got any pills bro

Surefire way, take a hammer and smash your femur with it until you go into shock, before you know it you will be sucking sweet lady morphines addicting dick

go to a pain management place instead of going to your regular doctor. you should have a much better chance from them & be careful bc doctor shopping is a crime now

doctor shopping is a crime now



Motorcycle accident.

Tell the doctor you are married to a chubby, pygmy comedian who doesn't like to bathe and is obsessed with Star Wars.

What specifically are you going to the doctor for?

If it's something credible where pain is involved, then you have a chance. Do not ask for anything specifically. Tell him the pain has been rough and advil etc. has not been effective for you & you can't sleep as a result.

If he brings up some bullshit prescription anti-inflammatory thing, tell him you took that before and it didn't work. From there, he may rx you something good. You should also lie and tell him you're 20 or 30 lbs heavier than you are (or whatever you think you can get away with).

"I need this one more for the Michele McNamara Midnight special."

I fell straight on my face outside a bar last weekend, my face is absolutely fucked up but at least i got some opiates

You're a little late on this. Why do you think weee admits the country's worst heroin epidemic. You have to find a doctor whose crooked from someone whose an addict, try strip clubs

Nah, not really.

Get your wisdom teeth pulled if you still have them

Do you have fingers? If you do, cut one off.

Heroin is much cheaper and easier to get. It's 5-10 dollars a cap/bag here in Maryland. You might as well, all opiates are highly addictive. Doctors will cut you off in heartbeat if they even suspect you are abusing them.

Dude I live in MD we should totally do smack together and gay it up


Get some Kratom and otherwise tough it out. Why have a brain of mush?

I'm getting a pesky tolerance to red strain maeng da. I can take like 10 grams and not feel shit now. I feel like a HO

Read some of my recent posts on /r/kratom, I got a great strain yesterday that had me nodding.

Take it with phenylpiracetam.

Switch strains or buy some extract. I'll sell you some bomb extrwct for $1.25 a gram, shipped

Fawk yeah although I've read on the world wide web that extract is lame but I'm tired of choking down the shit mixed in Propel water so I'll give it a shot

You gotta mix the extract in with some actual powder for the best effect. If you PM me ill send you a free sample

I want a sample :(

Pay for shipping and I'll hook u up

Kratom tolerance rises obnoxiously fast. You have to try and switch around different strains

They are strict with them these days, got hurt and tore my Achilles and a ligament by my ankle and they gave me unlimited supply of ibuprofen and 10 Vicodin :/

Cold water extraction, my friend


its who you get the hydrocodone out of the pills without taking all the acetaminophen.

Only had the 10 so just used as prescribed

I like to go to the urgent care clinic and complain of a lumbar strain. I just walk in like a fucking gimp and make sure I'm a little sweaty so I can grimace and act real pained. Usually they buy it and I'll get 20 percs out of the deal but these fuckers are being real stingy with the opes now that fags are overdosing and shit.

Last time I hurt my back they told me ibuprofen. Before that they had given me vicodin. It didn't even buzz me, but it foxed the pain, which is what I was after.

Just say you have back pain like every other piece of white trash in this country.

Funny story... when I was in rehab the last time I met this dude in his late 30s, clean cut, had a family and a good job who literally cut off his pinky toe with a saw for the sole purpose of going to the ER to get opiates. It definitely worked too. Just a suggestion.

everyone on this sub sucks at getting drugs too btw

Go to Florida ten years ago and say your back hurts.

Just tell them you listen to Jim and Sam. It's fucking painful.

but would you toot on some peckahs?

Anth' is more of a benzo man

Go south of the border Hola

What the fuck kind of addict are you? You steal it, silly.

Fawk yeah although I've read on the world wide web that extract is lame but I'm tired of choking down the shit mixed in Propel water so I'll give it a shot